Description: The Instructor package was complete with the following elements:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE INSTRUCT AS --------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE : instruct_header.sql -- CREATED BY : Ben Rosenzweig -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 --------------------------------------------------------------- V_FONT VARCHAR2(150); CURSOR c_instruct_list IS SELECT first_name, last_name, instructor_id FROM instructor; TYPE Inst_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF c_instruct_list%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; Instruct_Table inst_tbl_type; i NUMBER := 1; PROCEDURE grade_calc (P_student_id IN student.student_id%type, p_section_id IN section.section_id%TYPE, p_final_grade OUT enrollment.final_grade%TYPE, p_exit_code OUT CHAR); PROCEDURE instruct_personal_info (p_instructor_id IN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE); PROCEDURE instructor_list_info; PROCEDURE showzip (p_zip IN DEFAULT '10019'); PROCEDURE instructors_frame; PROCEDURE instructors_left_nav; PROCEDURE update_instructor (p_instructor_id IN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE, p_salutation IN instructor.salutation%TYPE, p_first_name IN instructor.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name IN instructor.last_name%TYPE, p_street_address IN instructor.street_address%TYPE, p_zip IN, p_phone IN; PROCEDURE instructor_list_class; PROCEDURE instruct_classes (p_instructor_id IN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE); PROCEDURE student_list (p_section_id IN section.section_id%TYPE DEFAULT 87); END INSTRUCT;
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY INSTRUCT AS --------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE : instruct_body.sql -- CREATED BY : Ben Rosenzweig -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : grade_calc -- CREATED BY : Ben Rosenzweig -- DESCRIPTION: Calculates the final grade for the student and -- section passed in. -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.grade_calc --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE grade_calc (P_student_id IN student.student_id%type, P_section_id IN section.section_id%TYPE, P_final_grade OUT enrollment.final_grade%TYPE, P_exit_code OUT CHAR) AS v_student_id student.student_id%TYPE; v_section_id section.section_id%TYPE; v_grade_type_code grade_type_weight.grade_type_code%TYPE; v_grade_percent NUMBER; v_final_grade NUMBER; v_grade_count NUMBER; v_lowest_grade NUMBER; v_exit_code CHAR(1) := 'S'; -- Next two variables are used to calculate whether a cursor -- has no result set. v_no_rows1 CHAR(1) := 'N'; v_no_rows2 CHAR(1) := 'N'; e_no_grade EXCEPTION; -- Cursor to loop through all grade types for a given section. CURSOR c_grade_type (pc_section_id section.section_id%TYPE) IS SELECT GRADE_TYPE_CODE, NUMBER_PER_SECTION, PERCENT_OF_FINAL_GRADE, NVL(DROP_LOWEST, 'N') DROP_LOWEST FROM grade_Type_weight WHERE section_id = pc_section_id AND section_id IN (SELECT section_id FROM grade WHERE student_id = p_student_id); -- Cursor to loop through all grades for a given student -- in a given section. CURSOR c_grades (p_grade_type_code grade_Type_weight.grade_type_code%TYPE, pc_student_id student.student_id%TYPE, pc_section_id section.section_id%TYPE) IS SELECT grade_type_code,grade_code_occurrence, numeric_grade FROM grade WHERE student_id = pc_student_id AND section_id = pc_section_id AND grade_type_code = p_grade_type_code; BEGIN v_section_id := p_section_id; v_student_id := p_student_id; -- Start loop of grade types for the section. FOR r_grade in c_grade_type(v_section_id) LOOP -- Since cursor is open it has a result -- set, change indicator. v_no_rows1 := 'Y'; -- To hold the number of grades per section, -- reset to 0 before detailed cursor loops v_grade_count := 0; v_grade_type_code := r_grade.GRADE_TYPE_CODE; -- Variable to hold the lowest grade. -- 500 will not be the lowest grade. v_lowest_grade := 500; -- Determine what to multiply a grade by to -- compute final grade, must take into consideration -- if the drop lowest grade indicator is Y SELECT (r_grade.percent_of_final_grade / DECODE(r_grade.drop_lowest, 'Y', (r_grade.number_per_section - 1), r_grade.number_per_section ))* 0.01 INTO v_grade_percent FROM dual; -- Open cursor of detailed grade for a student in a -- given section. FOR r_detail in c_grades(v_grade_type_code, v_student_id, v_section_id) LOOP -- Since cursor is open it has a result -- set, change indicator. v_no_rows2 := 'Y'; v_grade_count := v_grade_count + 1; -- Handle the situation where there are more -- entries for grades of a given grade type -- than there should be for that section. If v_grade_count > r_grade.number_per_section THEN v_exit_code := 'T'; raise e_no_grade; END IF; -- If drop lowest flag is Y determine which is lowest -- grade to drop IF r_grade.drop_lowest = 'Y' THEN IF nvl(v_lowest_grade, 0) >= r_detail.numeric_grade THEN v_lowest_grade := r_detail.numeric_grade; END IF; END IF; -- Increment the final grade with percentage of current -- grade in the detail loop. v_final_grade := nvl(v_final_grade, 0) + (r_detail.numeric_grade * v_grade_percent); END LOOP; -- Once detailed loop is finished, if the number of grades -- for a given student for a given grade type and section -- is less than the required amount, raise an exception. IF v_grade_count < r_grade.NUMBER_PER_SECTION THEN v_exit_code := 'I'; raise e_no_grade; END IF; -- If the drop lowest flag was Y then you need to take -- the lowest grade out of the final grade, it was not -- known when it was added which was the lowest grade -- to drop until all grades were examined. IF r_grade.drop_lowest = 'Y' THEN v_final_grade := nvl(v_final_grade, 0) - (v_lowest_grade * v_grade_percent); END IF; END LOOP; -- If either cursor had no rows then there is an error. IF v_no_rows1 = 'N' OR v_no_rows2 = 'N' THEN v_exit_code := 'N'; raise e_no_grade; END IF; P_final_grade := v_final_grade; P_exit_code := v_exit_code; EXCEPTION WHEN e_no_grade THEN P_final_grade := null; P_exit_code := v_exit_code; WHEN OTHERS THEN P_final_grade := null; P_exit_code := 'E'; END grade_calc; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : instruct_personal_info -- CREATED BY : Sol Morse, Susan Boardman -- DESCRIPTION: Form to collect instructor personal information -- for the instructor id passed in. -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.instruct_personal_info --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE instruct_personal_info (p_instructor_id IN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE) AS v_instructor_id instructor.instructor_id%TYPE; v_salutation instructor.salutation%TYPE; v_first_name instructor.first_name%TYPE; v_last_name instructor.last_name%TYPE; v_street_address instructor.street_address%TYPE; v_city; v_state zipcode.state%TYPE; v_zip; v_phone; BEGIN SELECT instructor_id, salutation, first_name, last_name, street_address, city, state,, phone INTO v_instructor_id, v_salutation, v_first_name, v_last_name, v_street_address, v_city, v_state, v_zip, v_phone FROM instructor i, zipcode z WHERE = AND instructor_id = p_instructor_id; htp.p('<HTML>'); htp.p('<HEAD>'); htp.p('<TITLE>Instructor Personal Info</TITLE>'); htp.p('</HEAD>'); htp.p('<BODY bgColor="#99CCCC">'); htp.p('<CENTER>'); htp.p('<H1>Personal Info For '||v_first_name||' '||v_last_name||'</H1>'); htp.p('<H2>This Is The Current Information On Record.</H2>'); htp.p('<H3>To Make Changes, Edit The Information And Select ''Save''.</H3>'); htp.p('<FORM ACTION="instruct.update_instructor" METHOD="get" NAME="instructor_personal_form">'); htp.p('<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="p_instructor_id" VALUE="'||v_instructor_id||'">'); htp.p('<TABLE >'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD>Salutation:</TD>'); htp.p('<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="p_salutation" VALUE="'||v_salutation||'" SIZE="5"></TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD>First Name:</TD>'); htp.p('<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="p_first_name" VALUE="'||v_first_name||'" SIZE="25"></TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD>Last Name:</TD>'); htp.p('<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="p_last_name" VALUE="'||v_last_name||'" SIZE="25"></TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD>Street Address:</TD>'); htp.p('<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="p_street_address" VALUE="'||v_street_address||'"></TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD>City:</TD>'); htp.p('<TD>'||v_city||'</TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD>State:</TD>'); htp.p('<TD>'||v_state||'</TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD>Zipcode:</TD>'); htp.p('<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="p_zip" VALUE="'||v_zip||'"></TD>'); htp.p('<TD><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Change Zipcode" onClick="''instruct.showzip?p_zip=''+document.instructor_personal_form.p_zip.value, ''instructor_zip'', ''TOOLBAR=NO, STATUS=yes, MENUBAR=no, SCROLLBARS=auto, RESIZABLE=yes, WIDTH=640, HEIGHT=480'');"></TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD>Telephone:</TD>'); htp.p('<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" VALUE="'||v_phone||'" NAME="p_phone" MAXLENGTH="15" SIZE="15"></TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD></TD>'); htp.p('<TD ALIGN=left>'); htp.p('<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="SUBMIT">'); htp.p('<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="RESET">'); htp.p('</TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); htp.p('</TABLE>'); htp.p('</FORM>'); htp.p('</CENTER>'); htp.p('</BODY>'); htp.p('</HTML>'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN htp.p('An error occurred: '||SQLERRM||'. Please try again later.'); END instruct_personal_info; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : instructor_list_info -- CREATED BY : Susan Boardman -- DESCRIPTION: List of hyperlinked instructor names -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.instructor_list_info --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE instructor_list_info IS CURSOR get_instructor IS SELECT first_name, last_name, instructor_id FROM instructor ORDER BY last_name, first_name; BEGIN htp.p('<HTML>'); htp.p('<HEAD>'); htp.p('<TITLE>Instructor Maintenance Web Site</TITLE>'); htp.p('</HEAD>'); htp.p('<BODY BgColor="#99CCCC">'); htp.p('<CENTER>'); htp.p('<H2>List of Instructors</H2>'); htp.p('<TABLE ALIGN="center" BORDER="3" BORDERCOLOR="midnight blue" CELLPADDING="5" WIDTH="100%">'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TH ALIGN="center">Instructor Names</TH>'); htp.p('</TR>'); FOR rec IN get_instructor LOOP htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD><FONT FACE="Arial"> <A HREF="instruct.instruct_personal_info?p_instructor_id=' ||rec.instructor_id||'">' ||rec.last_name||','||rec.first_name||'</A></FONT></TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); END LOOP; htp.p('</TABLE>'); htp.p('</CENTER>'); htp.p('</BODY>'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN htp.p('An error occurred: '||SQLERRM||'. Please try again later.'); END instructor_list_info; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : showzip -- CREATED BY : Sol Morse, Susan Boardman -- DESCRIPTION: List of hyperlinked instructor names -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.showzip --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE showzip (p_zip IN DEFAULT '10019') IS CURSOR c_zip IS SELECT city, state, zip FROM zipcode ORDER BY state, city, zip; BEGIN htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Instructor Zipcode'); htp.script(' <!--Begin hiding javascript contents from old browsers. function chooseZip() { window.opener.instructor_personal_form.p_zip.value=document.zipcode_form.p_new_zip.value; window.close(); } //End the hiding here-->', 'JavaScript'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen(cattributes => 'BGCOLOR="#99CCCC"'); htp.centerOpen; htp.p('<FORM NAME="zipcode_form" ACTION="" METHOD="post">'); htp.p('<SELECT NAME="p_new_zip" SIZE="15">'); FOR rec IN c_zip LOOP IF = p_zip THEN htp.p('<OPTION VALUE="'||||'" SELECTED>' ||||', '||rec.state||' '|||| '</OPTION>'); ELSE htp.p('<OPTION VALUE="'||||'">' ||||', '||rec.state||' '|||| '</OPTION>'); END IF; END LOOP; htp.p('</SELECT>'); htp.p('<BR>'); htp.p('<BR>'); htp.p('<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Select Zipcode" onClick="chooseZip();">'); htp.p('<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Cancel" onClick="window.close();">'); htp.formClose; htp.centerClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN htp.p('An error occurred: '||SQLERRM||'. Please try again later.'); END showzip; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : instructors_frame -- CREATED BY : Susan Boardman -- DESCRIPTION: Creates frameset for instructor-related pages -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.instructors_frame --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE instructors_frame AS BEGIN htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Instructors Frame'); htp.headClose; htp.framesetOpen(NULL,'150,*'); htp.frame('instruct.instructors_left_nav','instructors_left',null,null,null,'Y'); htp.frame('instruct.instructor_list_info','instructors_main',null,null,'AUTO'); htp.noframesOpen; htp.p('<BODY> <P>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn''t support them.</P> </BODY>'); htp.noframesClose; htp.framesetClose; htp.htmlClose; END instructors_frame; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : instructors_left_nav -- CREATED BY : Susan Boardman -- DESCRIPTION: Paints left nav menus for instructor-related pages -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.instructors_left_nav --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE instructors_left_nav AS BEGIN htp.p(' <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Instructors Left Nav</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#99CCCC"> <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="center"> <A HREF="instruct.instructor_list_info" TARGET="instructors_main"> <FONT FACE="Arial"><SMALL>Edit Instructor</SMALL></FONT> </A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="center"> <A HREF="instruct.instructor_list_class" TARGET="instructors_main"> <FONT FACE="Arial"><SMALL>View Classes</SMALL></FONT> </A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML> '); END instructors_left_nav; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : update_instructor -- CREATED BY : Susan Boardman -- DESCRIPTION: Updates instructor record with information -- collected in instruct.instruct_personal_info -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.update_instructor --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE update_instructor (p_instructor_id IN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE, p_salutation IN instructor.salutation%TYPE, p_first_name IN instructor.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name IN instructor.last_name%TYPE, p_street_address IN instructor.street_address%TYPE, p_zip IN, p_phone IN IS BEGIN UPDATE instructor SET salutation = p_salutation, first_name = p_first_name, last_name = p_last_name, street_address = p_street_address, zip = p_zip, phone = p_phone WHERE instructor_id = p_instructor_id; COMMIT; htp.p('<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Update Instructor Personal Info</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY>'); htp.script('alert("The new information for this instructor has been saved successfully!");', 'JavaScript'); htp.p('</BODY></HTML>'); instruct.instruct_personal_info(p_instructor_id); htp.script('document.write("<H3><CENTER><FONT COLOR=RED>The new information for this instructor has been successfully saved!</FONT></CENTER></H3>");', 'JavaScript'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN htp.p('An error occurred: '||SQLERRM||'. Please try again later.'); END update_instructor; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : instructor_list_class -- CREATED BY : Susan Boardman -- DESCRIPTION: Hyperlinked list of instructors -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.instructor_list_class --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE instructor_list_class IS CURSOR get_instructor IS SELECT first_name, last_name, instructor_id FROM instructor ORDER BY last_name, first_name; BEGIN htp.p('<HTML>'); htp.p('<HEAD>'); htp.p('<TITLE>Instructor Maintenance Web Site</TITLE>'); htp.p('</HEAD>'); htp.p('<BODY BgColor="#99CCCC">'); htp.p('<CENTER>'); htp.p('<H2>List of Instructors</H2>'); htp.p('<TABLE ALIGN="center" BORDER="3" BORDERCOLOR="midnight blue" CELLPADDING="5" WIDTH="100%">'); htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TH ALIGN="center">Instructor Names</TH>'); htp.p('</TR>'); FOR rec IN get_instructor LOOP htp.p('<TR>'); htp.p('<TD><FONT FACE="Arial"> <A HREF="instruct.instruct_classes?p_instructor_id=' ||rec.instructor_id||'">' ||rec.last_name||','||rec.first_name||'</A></FONT></TD>'); htp.p('</TR>'); END LOOP; htp.p('</TABLE>'); htp.p('</CENTER>'); htp.p('</BODY>'); htp.p('</HTML>'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN htp.p('An error occurred in instructor_list_class: ' ||SQLERRM||'. Please try again later.'); END instructor_list_class; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : instruct_classes -- CREATED BY : Susan Boardman -- DESCRIPTION: Lists classes taught by instructor passed in. -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.instruct_classes --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE instruct_classes (p_instructor_id IN instructor.instructor_id%TYPE) IS v_instructor_name VARCHAR2(60); v_count INTEGER := 0; CURSOR c_courses IS SELECT s.course_no, description, section_id, TO_CHAR(start_date_time, 'DD-MON-YY') start_date, TO_CHAR(start_date_time, 'HH:MI A.M.') start_time, location FROM course c, section s WHERE c.course_no = s.course_no AND instructor_id = p_instructor_id ORDER BY s.course_no, section_id; BEGIN SELECT first_name||' '||last_name INTO v_instructor_name FROM instructor WHERE instructor_id = p_instructor_id; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count FROM course c, section s WHERE c.course_no = s.course_no AND instructor_id = p_instructor_id ORDER BY s.course_no, section_id; htp.p('<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Instructor View Classes</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <CENTER>'); IF v_count > 0 THEN htp.p('<H1>Classes for '||v_instructor_name||'</H1> <H2>Below is the current list of courses.</H2> <TABLE ALIGN="center" BORDER=3 BORDERCOLOR="#0099CC" CELLPADDING=5 WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TH>Course No.</TH> <TH>Course_Description</TH> <TH>Section ID</TH> <TH>Start_Date/Time</TH> <TH>Location</TH> <TH>Roster</TH> </TR>'); FOR rec IN c_courses LOOP htp.p('<TR> <TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.course_no||'</TD> <TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.description||'</TD> <TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.section_id||'</TD> <TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.start_date||'<br>'||rec.start_time||'</TD> <TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.location||'</TD> <TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.section_id||'</TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Student List" onClick="''instruct.student_list?p_section_id='||rec.section_id||''', ''student_list'', ''toolbar=no, status=yes, menubar=no, scrollbars=auto, resizable=yes, width=640, height=480''); "> </TD> </TR>'); END LOOP; htp.p('</TABLE>'); ELSE htp.p('<H3>'||v_instructor_name||' is currently on sabbatical.</H3>'); END IF; htp.p('</CENTER></BODY></HTML>'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN htp.p('An error occurred: '||SQLERRM||'. Please try again later.'); END instruct_classes; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME : student_list -- CREATED BY : Susan Boardman -- DESCRIPTION: Lists students enrolled in section passed in. -- CREATED BY DATE: January 12, 2003 -- URL: instruct.student_list --------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE student_list (p_section_id IN section.section_id%TYPE DEFAULT 87) IS v_section_no section.section_no%TYPE; v_course_no course.course_no%TYPE; CURSOR c_students IS SELECT s.student_id, first_name, last_name, street_address, city, state,, final_grade FROM student s, zipcode z, enrollment e WHERE = AND s.student_id = e.student_id AND section_id = p_section_id ORDER BY s.student_id; BEGIN SELECT section_no, course_no INTO v_section_no, v_course_no FROM section WHERE section_id = p_section_id; htp.p('<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Instructor Classes/Section Student List</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <CENTER> <H2>Student List for Section '||v_section_no ||' of Course '||v_course_no||'</H2> <TABLE BORDER=3 BORDERCOLOR="#0099CC" CELLPADDING=5> <TR> <TH>Student ID</TH> <TH>First Name</TH> <TH>Last Name</TH> <TH>Address</TH> <TH>City, State and Zip</TH> <TH>Final Grade</TH> </TR>'); FOR rec IN c_students LOOP htp.p(' <TR><TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.student_id||'</TD> <TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.first_name||'</TD> <TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.last_name||'</TD> <TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.street_address||'</TD> <TD ALIGN="center">'||||', '||rec.state ||' '||||'</TD>'); IF rec.final_grade IS NULL THEN htp.p('<TD ALIGN="center"> <FORM NAME="my_repeating_form" ACTION="student_list_update" METHOD="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="p_student_id" VALUE="'||rec.student_id||'"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="p_section_id" VALUE="'||p_section_id||'"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Calculate Grade"> </FORM> </TD>'); ELSE htp.p('<TD ALIGN="center">'||rec.final_grade||'</TD>'); END IF; htp.p('</TR>'); END LOOP; htp.p('</TABLE>'); htp.p('<BR>'); htp.p('<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Close" onClick="window.close();">'); htp.p('</CENTER>'); htp.p('</BODY>'); htp.p('</HTML>'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN htp.p('An error occurred: '||SQLERRM||'. Please try again later.'); END student_list; BEGIN /* One time Code */ FOR rec IN c_instruct_list LOOP Instruct_Table( i ).first_name := rec.first_name; Instruct_Table( i ).last_name := rec.last_name; Instruct_Table( i ).instructor_id := rec.instructor_id; i := i + 1; END LOOP; END INSTRUCT;