Oracle PL/SQL Interactive Workbook, 2/e

Test Your Thinking Solutions Chapter 19 Records

  1. Create the following script. Create an index-by table with the element type of a user-defined record. This record should contain first name, last name and the total number of courses that a particular instructor teaches. Display the records of the index-by table on the screen.

    Answer: Your script should look similar to the following:

       CURSOR instructor_cur IS
          SELECT first_name, last_name, COUNT(UNIQUE s.course_no) courses
            FROM instructor i
            LEFT OUTER JOIN section s
              ON (s.instructor_id = i.instructor_id)
          GROUP BY first_name, last_name;
       TYPE rec_type IS RECORD
          (first_name INSTRUCTOR.FIRST_NAME%TYPE,
           last_name INSTRUCTOR.LAST_NAME%TYPE,
           courses_taught NUMBER);
       TYPE instructor_type IS TABLE OF REC_TYPE 
       instructor_tab instructor_type;
       v_counter INTEGER := 0;
       FOR instructor_rec IN instructor_cur LOOP
          v_counter := v_counter + 1;
          -- Populate index-by table of records
          instructor_tab(v_counter).first_name := instructor_rec.first_name;
          instructor_tab(v_counter).last_name := instructor_rec.last_name;
          instructor_tab(v_counter).courses_taught :=; 
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Instructor, '|| 
             instructor_tab(v_counter).first_name||' '||
             instructor_tab(v_counter).last_name||', teaches '||
             instructor_tab(v_counter).courses_taught||' courses.');
       END LOOP;

    Consider the SELECT statement used in this script. This select statement returns instructor's name and total number of courses that he/she teaches. The statement is using an outer join so that if a particular instructor is not teaching any courses, he or she will be included in the results of the SELECT statement. Note that the SELECT statement uses ANSI 1999 SQL standard. You will find detailed explanations and examples of the statements using new ANSI 1999 SQL standard in appendix E of this book, Oracle SQL Interactive Workbook 2nd Ed., and in the Oracle help. Throughout this book we try to provide you with examples illustrating both standards; however, our main focus is on PL/SQL features rather than SQL.

    In this script, you define a cursor against the INSTRUCTOR and SECTION tables that is used to populate index-by table of records, instructor_tab. Each row of this table is a user-defined record of three elements. You populate the index-by table via cursor FOR loop. Consider the notation used to reference each record element of the index-by table:


    To reference each row of the index-by table you use the counter variable. However, because each row of this table is a record, you must also reference individual fields of the underlying record. When run, this script produces the following output:

    Instructor, Anita Morris, teaches 10 courses.
    Instructor, Charles Lowry, teaches 9 courses.
    Instructor, Fernand Hanks, teaches 9 courses.
    Instructor, Gary Pertez, teaches 10 courses.
    Instructor, Marilyn Frantzen, teaches 9 courses.
    Instructor, Nina Schorin, teaches 10 courses.
    Instructor, Rick Chow, teaches 1 courses.
    Instructor, Todd Smythe, teaches 10 courses.
    Instructor, Tom Wojick, teaches 9 courses.
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  2. Modify the script created above. Instead of using an index-by table use a nested table.

    Answer: Your script should look similar to the script shown below. All changes are highlighted in bold.

       CURSOR instructor_cur IS
          SELECT first_name, last_name, COUNT(UNIQUE s.course_no) courses
            FROM instructor i
            LEFT OUTER JOIN section s
              ON (s.instructor_id = i.instructor_id)
          GROUP BY first_name, last_name;
       TYPE rec_type IS RECORD
          (first_name INSTRUCTOR.FIRST_NAME%TYPE,
           last_name INSTRUCTOR.LAST_NAME%TYPE,
           courses_taught NUMBER);
       TYPE instructor_type IS TABLE OF REC_TYPE;
       instructor_tab instructor_type := instructor_type();
       v_counter INTEGER := 0;
       FOR instructor_rec IN instructor_cur LOOP
          v_counter := v_counter + 1;
          -- Populate index-by table of records
          instructor_tab(v_counter).first_name := instructor_rec.first_name;
          instructor_tab(v_counter).last_name := instructor_rec.last_name;
          instructor_tab(v_counter).courses_taught :=; 
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Instructor, '|| 
             instructor_tab(v_counter).first_name||' '||
             instructor_tab(v_counter).last_name||', teaches '||
             instructor_tab(v_counter).courses_taught||' courses.');
       END LOOP;

    Notice that the instructor_tab must be initialized and extended before its individual elements can be referenced.

  3. Modify the script created above. Instead of using a nested table use a varray.

    Answer: Your script should look similar to the following:

       CURSOR instructor_cur IS
          SELECT first_name, last_name, COUNT(UNIQUE s.course_no) courses
            FROM instructor i
            LEFT OUTER JOIN section s
              ON (s.instructor_id = i.instructor_id)
          GROUP BY first_name, last_name;
       TYPE rec_type IS RECORD
          (first_name INSTRUCTOR.FIRST_NAME%TYPE,
           last_name INSTRUCTOR.LAST_NAME%TYPE,
           courses_taught NUMBER);
       >TYPE instructor_type IS VARRAY(10) OF REC_TYPE;
       instructor_tab instructor_type := instructor_type();
       v_counter INTEGER := 0;
       FOR instructor_rec IN instructor_cur LOOP
          v_counter := v_counter + 1;
          -- Populate index-by table of records
          instructor_tab(v_counter).first_name := instructor_rec.first_name;
          instructor_tab(v_counter).last_name := instructor_rec.last_name;
          instructor_tab(v_counter).courses_taught :=; 
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Instructor, '|| 
             instructor_tab(v_counter).first_name||' '||
             instructor_tab(v_counter).last_name||', teaches '||
             instructor_tab(v_counter).courses_taught||' courses.');
       END LOOP;

    This version of the script is almost identical to the previous version. Instead of using a nested table you are using a varray of 15 elements.

  4. Create the following script. Create a user-defined record with three fields: course_no, description, cost, and prerequisite_rec. The last field, prerequisite_rec should be a user-defined record with three fields: prereq_no, prereq_desc, and prereq_cost. For any ten courses that have a prerequisite course, populate the user-defined record with all corresponding data and display its information on the screen.

    Answer: Your script should look similar to the following:

        CURSOR c_cur IS
           SELECT course_no, description, cost, prerequisite
             FROM course
            WHERE prerequisite IS NOT NULL
              AND rownum <= 10;
        TYPE prerequisite_type IS RECORD
           (prereq_no NUMBER,
            prereq_desc VARCHAR(50),
            prereq_cost NUMBER);
       TYPE course_type IS RECORD
          (course_no NUMBER,
           description VARCHAR2(50),
           cost NUMBER,
           prerequisite_rec PREREQUISITE_TYPE);
       course_rec COURSE_TYPE;
       FOR c_rec in c_cur LOOP
          course_rec.course_no := c_rec.course_no;
          course_rec.description := c_rec.description;
          course_rec.cost := c_rec.cost;
          SELECT course_no, description, cost
            INTO course_rec.prerequisite_rec.prereq_no,
            FROM course
           WHERE course_no = c_rec.prerequisite;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Course:       '||course_rec.course_no||' - '||
             course_rec.description); , 
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Cost: '|| course_rec.cost);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Prerequisite: '||
             course_rec.prerequisite_rec. prereq_no||' - '||
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Prerequisite Cost: '||
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('========================================');
       END LOOP;

    In the declaration portion of the script, you define a cursor against the COURSE table, two user-defined record types, prerequisite_type and course_type, and user-defined record, course_rec. It is important to note the order in which the record types are declared. The prerequsite_type must be declared first because one of the course_type elements is of the prerequisite_type.

    In the executable portion of the script, you populate course_rec via cursor FOR loop. First, you assign values to the course_rec.course_no, course_rec.description, and course_rec.cost. Next, you populate the nested record, prerequsite_rec via the SELECT INTO statement against the COURSE table. Consider the notation used to reference individual elements of the nested record:


    You specify the name of the outer record followed by the name of the inner (nested) record followed by the name of the element. Finally, you display record information on the screen.

    Note that this script does not contain a NO_DATA_FOUND exception handler even though there is a SELECT INTO statement. Why do you think this is the case?

    When run, the script produces the following output:

    Course:       25 - Intro to Programming
    Cost: 1195
    Prerequisite: 140 - Structured Analysis
    Prerequisite Cost: 1195
    Course:       80 - Structured Programming Techniques
    Cost: 1595
    Prerequisite: 204 - Intro to SQL
    Prerequisite Cost: 1195
    Course:       100 - Hands-On Windows
    Cost: 1195
    Prerequisite: 20 - Intro to Computers
    Prerequisite Cost: 1195
    Course:       120 - Intro to Java Programming
    Cost: 1195
    Prerequisite: 80 - Structured Programming Techniques
    Prerequisite Cost: 1595
    Course:       122 - Intermediate Java Programming
    Cost: 1195
    Prerequisite: 120 - Intro to Java Programming
    Prerequisite Cost: 1195
    Course:       124 - Advanced Java Programming
    Cost: 1195
    Prerequisite: 122 - Intermediate Java Programming
    Prerequisite Cost: 1195
    Course:       125 - JDeveloper
    Cost: 1195
    Prerequisite: 122 - Intermediate Java Programming
    Prerequisite Cost: 1195
    Course:       130 - Intro to Unix
    Cost: 1195
    Prerequisite: 310 - Operating Systems
    Prerequisite Cost: 1195
    Course:       132 - Basics of Unix Admin
    Cost: 1195
    Prerequisite: 130 - Intro to Unix
    Prerequisite Cost: 1195
    Course:       134 - Advanced Unix Admin
    Cost: 1195
    Prerequisite: 132 - Basics of Unix Admin
    Prerequisite Cost: 1195
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Select a Chapter for Test Your Thinking Solutions

  1. Programming Concepts
  2. PLSQL Concepts
  3. General Programming Language Fundamentals
  4. SQL in PLSQL
  5. Conditional Control: IF Statements
  6. Conditional Control: CASE Statements
  7. Error Handling and Built-In Exceptions
  8. Iterative Control
  9. Introduction to Cursors
  10. Exceptions
  11. Exceptions: Advanced Concepts
  12. Procedures
  13. Functions
  14. Packages
  15. Advanced Cursors
  16. Stored Code
  17. Triggers
  18. Collections
  19. Records