Oracle PL/SQL Interactive Workbook, 2/e

Test Your Thinking Solutions Chapter 18 Collections

  1. Create the following script. Create an index-by table and populate it with instructor's full name. In other words, each row of the index-by table should contain first name and last name. Display this information on the screen.

    Answer: Your script should look similar to the following:

       CURSOR name_cur IS
          SELECT first_name||' '||last_name name
            FROM instructor;
       TYPE name_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(50)
       name_tab name_type;
       v_counter INTEGER := 0;
       FOR name_rec IN name_cur LOOP
          v_counter := v_counter + 1;
          name_tab(v_counter) :=;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('name('||v_counter||'): '||
       END LOOP;

    In the example above, the index-by table name_tab is populated with instructor full names. Notice, the variable, v_counter is used is a subscript to reference individual table elements. This example produces the output shown below:

    name(1): Fernand Hanks
    name(2): Tom Wojick
    name(3): Nina Schorin
    name(4): Gary Pertez
    name(5): Anita Morris
    name(6): Todd Smythe
    name(7): Marilyn Frantzen
    name(8): Charles Lowry
    name(9): Rick Chow
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  2. Modify the script created above. Instead of using an index-by table use a varray.

    Answer: Your script should look similar to the script shown below. All changes are highlighted in bold.

       CURSOR name_cur IS
          SELECT first_name||' '||last_name name
            FROM instructor;
       TYPE name_type IS VARRAY(15) OF VARCHAR2(50);
       name_varray name_type := name_type();
       v_counter INTEGER := 0;
       FOR name_rec IN name_cur LOOP
          v_counter := v_counter + 1;
          name_varray(v_counter) :=;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('name('||v_counter||'): '||
       END LOOP;

    In this version of the script, you define a varray of 15 elements. It is important to remember to initialize the array before referencing its individual elements. In addition, the array must be extended before new elements are added to it.

  3. Modify the script created above. Create an additional varray and populate it with unique course numbers that each instructor teaches. Display instructor's name and the list of courses he or she teaches.

    Answer: Your script should look similar to the following:

       CURSOR instructor_cur IS
          SELECT instructor_id, first_name||' '||last_name name
            FROM instructor;
       CURSOR course_cur (p_instructor_id NUMBER) IS
          SELECT unique course_no course
            FROM section
           WHERE instructor_id = p_instructor_id;
       TYPE name_type IS VARRAY(15) OF VARCHAR2(50);
       name_varray name_type := name_type();
       TYPE course_type IS VARRAY(10) OF NUMBER;
       course_varray course_type; 
       v_counter1 INTEGER := 0;
       v_counter2 INTEGER;
       FOR instructor_rec IN instructor_cur LOOP
          v_counter1 := v_counter1 + 1;
          name_varray(v_counter1) :=;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('name('||v_counter1||'): '||
          -- Initialize and populate course_varray
          v_counter2 := 0;
          course_varray := course_type();
          FOR course_rec in course_cur (instructor_rec.instructor_id) LOOP
             v_counter2 := v_counter2 + 1;
             course_varray(v_counter2) := course_rec.course;        
             DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('course('||v_counter2||'): '||
          END LOOP;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('===========================');
       END LOOP;

    Consider the script created above. First, you declare two cursors, INSTRUCTOR_CUR and COURSE_CUR. The COURSE_CUR accepts a parameter because it returns a list of course taught by a particular instructor. Notice, the SELECT statement uses function UNIQUE to retrieve distinct course numbers. Second, you declare two varray types and variables, name_varray and course_varray. Notice that you do not initialize second varray at the time of declaration. Next, you declare two counters and initialize the first counter only.

    In the body of the block, you open INSTRUCTOR_CUR, and populate name_varray with its first element. Next, you initialize the second counter and course_varray. This step is necessary because you need to repopulate course-_varray for the next instructor. Next, you open COURSE_CUR based to retrieve corresponding courses and display them on the screen. When run, the script produces the following output:

    name(1): Fernand Hanks
    course(1): 25
    course(2): 120
    course(3): 122
    course(4): 125
    course(5): 134
    course(6): 140
    course(7): 146
    course(8): 240
    course(9): 450
    name(2): Tom Wojick
    course(1): 25
    course(2): 100
    course(3): 120
    course(4): 124
    course(5): 125
    course(6): 134
    course(7): 140
    course(8): 146
    course(9): 240
    name(3): Nina Schorin
    course(1): 20
    course(2): 25
    course(3): 100
    course(4): 120
    course(5): 124
    course(6): 130
    course(7): 134
    course(8): 142
    course(9): 147
    course(10): 310
    name(4): Gary Pertez
    course(1): 20
    course(2): 25
    course(3): 100
    course(4): 120
    course(5): 124
    course(6): 130
    course(7): 135
    course(8): 142
    course(9): 204
    course(10): 330
    name(5): Anita Morris
    course(1): 20
    course(2): 25
    course(3): 100
    course(4): 122
    course(5): 124
    course(6): 130
    course(7): 135
    course(8): 142
    course(9): 210
    course(10): 350
    name(6): Todd Smythe
    course(1): 20
    course(2): 25
    course(3): 100
    course(4): 122
    course(5): 125
    course(6): 130
    course(7): 135
    course(8): 144
    course(9): 220
    course(10): 350
    name(7): Marilyn Frantzen
    course(1): 25
    course(2): 120
    course(3): 122
    course(4): 125
    course(5): 132
    course(6): 135
    course(7): 145
    course(8): 230
    course(9): 350
    name(8): Charles Lowry
    course(1): 25
    course(2): 120
    course(3): 122
    course(4): 125
    course(5): 132
    course(6): 140
    course(7): 145
    course(8): 230
    course(9): 420
    name(9): Rick Chow
    course(1): 10
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    As mentioned earlier it is important to reinitialize the variable v_counter2 that is used to reference individual elements of course_varray. When this step is ommited, and the variable is initialized only once at the time declaration, the scripts generates following runtime error:

    name(1): Fernand Hanks
    course(1): 25
    course(2): 120
    course(3): 122
    course(4): 125
    course(5): 134
    course(6): 140
    course(7): 146
    course(8): 240
    course(9): 450
    name(2): Tom Wojick
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06533: Subscript beyond count
    ORA-06512: at line 33

    Why do you this error occurs?

  4. Find and explain errors in the script shown below:

       TYPE varray_type1 IS VARRAY(7) OF INTEGER;
       TYPE table_type2 IS TABLE OF varray_type1 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
       varray1 varray_type1 := varray_type1(1, 2, 3);
       table2 table_type2 := table_type2(varray1, varray_type1(8, 9, 0));
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('table2(1)(2): '||table2(1)(2));
       FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
          varray1(i) := i;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('varray1('||i||'): '||varray1(i));
       END LOOP;

    Answer: Consider error generated by the script above:

       table2 table_type2 := table_type2(varray1, varray_type1(8, 9, 0));
    ERROR at line 6:
    ORA-06550: line 6, column 26:
    PLS-00222: no function with name 'TABLE_TYPE2' exists in this scope
    ORA-06550: line 6, column 11:
    PL/SQL: Item ignored
    ORA-06550: line 9, column 44:
    PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or
    ORA-06550: line 9, column 4:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    Notice that this error referrers to the initialization of table2 that has been declared as index-by table of varrays. You will recall that index-by tables are not initialized prior to their use. As a result, the declaration of table2 must be modified. Furthermore, additional assignment statement must be added to the executable portion of the block as follows:

       TYPE varray_type1 IS VARRAY(7) OF INTEGER;
       TYPE table_type2 IS TABLE OF varray_type1 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
       varray1 varray_type1 := varray_type1(1, 2, 3);
       table2 table_type2;
     -- These statements populate index-by table
       table2(1) := varray1;
       table2(2) := varray_type1(8, 9, 0);
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('table2(1)(2): '||table2(1)(2));
       FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
          varray1(i) := i;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('varray1('||i||'): '||varray1(i));
       END LOOP;

    When run, this version produces a different error:

    table2(1)(2): 2
    varray1(1): 1
    varray1(2): 2
    varray1(3): 3
    varray1(4): 4
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06532: Subscript outside of limit
    ORA-06512: at line 14

    Notice, this is a runtime error that refers to varray1. This error occurs because you are trying to extend varray beyond its limit. Varray1 can contain up to 7 integers. After initialization, the varray contains three integers. As a result, it can be populated with no more than 4 additional integer numbers. So, the fifth iteration of the loop tries to extend the varray to 8 elements which in turn causes a subscript beyond count error.

    It is important to note that there is no correlation between the loop counter and the EXTEND method. Every time the EXTEND method is called it increases the size of the varray by one element. Since the varray has been initialized to three elements, the EXTEND method adds fourth element to the array for the first iteration of the loop. At this same time, the first element of the varray is assigned a value of 1 via loop counter. For the second iteration of the loop, the EXTEND method adds fifth element to the varray while the second element is assigned a value of 2, and so forth.

    Finally, consider error-free version of the script and its output:

       TYPE varray_type1 IS VARRAY(7) OF INTEGER;
       TYPE table_type2 IS TABLE OF varray_type1 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
       varray1 varray_type1 := varray_type1(1, 2, 3);
       table2 table_type2; 
       -- These statements populate index-by table
       table2(1) := varray1;
       table2(2) := varray_type1(8, 9, 0);
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('table2(1)(2): '||table2(1)(2));
       FOR i IN 4..7 LOOP
          varray1(i) := i;
       END LOOP;
       -- Display elements of the varray 
       FOR i IN 1..7 LOOP
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('varray1('||i||'): '||varray1(i));
       END LOOP;
    table2(1)(2): 2
    varray1(1): 1
    varray1(2): 2
    varray1(3): 3
    varray1(4): 4
    varray1(5): 5
    varray1(6): 6
    varray1(7): 7
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Select a Chapter for Test Your Thinking Solutions

  1. Programming Concepts
  2. PLSQL Concepts
  3. General Programming Language Fundamentals
  4. SQL in PLSQL
  5. Conditional Control: IF Statements
  6. Conditional Control: CASE Statements
  7. Error Handling and Built-In Exceptions
  8. Iterative Control
  9. Introduction to Cursors
  10. Exceptions
  11. Exceptions: Advanced Concepts
  12. Procedures
  13. Functions
  14. Packages
  15. Advanced Cursors
  16. Stored Code
  17. Triggers
  18. Collections
  19. Records