Create a table called CHAP4 with two columns, one is ID (a number) and the second is NAME which is a varchar2(20).
Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:
PROMPT Creating Table 'CHAP4' CREATE TABLE chap4 (id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(20));
Create a sequence called CHAP4_SEQ that increments by units of 5.
Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:
Write a PL/SQL block that performs the following in this order:
Add DBMS_OUTPUT throughout the block to display the values of the variables as they change. (This is good practice for debugging) Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:
DECLARE v_name student.last_name%TYPE; v_id student.student_id%TYPE; BEGIN BEGIN -- A second block is used to capture the possibility of -- multiple students meeting this requirement. -- The exception section will handles this situation SELECT s.last_name INTO v_name FROM student s, enrollment e WHERE s.student_id = e.student_id HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MAX(COUNT(*)) FROM student s, enrollment e WHERE s.student_id = e.student_id GROUP BY s.student_id) GROUP BY s.last_name; EXCEPTION WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN v_name := 'Multiple Names'; END; INSERT INTO CHAP4 VALUES (CHAP4_SEQ.NEXTVAL, v_name); SAVEPOINT A; BEGIN SELECT s.last_name INTO v_name FROM student s, enrollment e WHERE s.student_id = e.student_id HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MIN(COUNT(*)) FROM student s, enrollment e WHERE s.student_id = e.student_id GROUP BY s.student_id) GROUP BY s.last_name; EXCEPTION WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN v_name := 'Multiple Names'; END; INSERT INTO CHAP4 VALUES (CHAP4_SEQ.NEXTVAL, v_name); SAVEPOINT B; BEGIN SELECT i.last_name INTO v_name FROM instructor i, section s WHERE s.instructor_id = i.instructor_id HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MAX(COUNT(*)) FROM instructor i, section s WHERE s.instructor_id = i.instructor_id GROUP BY i.instructor_id) GROUP BY i.last_name; EXCEPTION WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN v_name := 'Multiple Names'; END; SAVEPOINT C; BEGIN SELECT instructor_id INTO v_id FROM instructor WHERE last_name = v_name; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN v_id := 999; END; INSERT INTO CHAP4 VALUES (v_id, v_name); ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT B; BEGIN SELECT i.last_name INTO v_name FROM instructor i, section s WHERE s.instructor_id = i.instructor_id HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MIN(COUNT(*)) FROM instructor i, section s WHERE s.instructor_id = i.instructor_id GROUP BY i.instructor_id) GROUP BY i.last_name; EXCEPTION WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN v_name := 'Multiple Names'; END; INSERT INTO CHAP4 VALUES (v_id, v_name); BEGIN SELECT i.last_name INTO v_name FROM instructor i, section s WHERE s.instructor_id = i.instructor_id HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MAX(COUNT(*)) FROM instructor i, section s WHERE s.instructor_id = i.instructor_id GROUP BY i.instructor_id) GROUP BY i.last_name; EXCEPTION WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN v_name := 'Multiple Names'; END; INSERT INTO CHAP4 VALUES (CHAP4_SEQ.NEXTVAL, v_name); END;