
accelerometers, 357-361

Add Grass Texture dialog, 67

Add Key frame (Animation window), 282

Add Terrain Texture dialog, 59

Add Tree dialog, 65

Albedo property (shader), 44

Alt Negative Button/Alt Positive Button property (axis), 147

Amazing Racer, 103-115, 395

adding scripts, 111-113

creating world, 106-108

design, 103-106

concept, 104

rules, 104-105

game control objects, adding, 109-111

playtesting, 114-115

requirements, 105-106

revisions, 368-371

disappearing joystick fixing, 370-371

tilt control, 368-369

using touch joystick, 369-370

scripts, connecting, 113-114

anchor button, 222, 223

anchors, canvas, 220-223

Angular Drag property (rigidbody), 162

Animation Clip Dropdown (Animation window), 282

Animation property (Texture module), 269

animations, 275-288

assets, 277-279

creating, 279-281, 283-284

Curves editor, 287-288

3D artists, 277

idle, 298-300, 308-309

models, preparing for, 276-277

preparation, 298

Record Mode, 285-287

rigs, 275-276

spritesheet slicing, 278-279

timing, 285

tools, 281-288

2D, 277-279

types, 277-281

walk, 300-302

walk turn, 302-305

window, 281-283

animators, 291-315

animation preparation, 298

assets, configuring, 296-305

blend trees, 310-312

creating, 305-314

idle animation, 298-300, 308-309

parameters, 309-310

rigging models, 293-296

rig preparation, 296-298

scripting, 314-315

states, 310-312

transitions, 312-314

walk animation, 300-302

walk turn animation, 302-305

Animator view, 307-308

apps, Unity Remote, 355

area lights, 86

arenas, Chaos Ball, 175-179

bouncy material, 178

texturing, 177-178

arithmetic operators, 130-131

Aspect drop-down menu (Game view), 16

asset packages, 6

assets, 8

animations, 277-279

configuring, animators, 296-305

importing, 78

terrain, 64

importing, 57-58

Asset Store, models, 39-40

assignment operators, 131

attaching scripts, 123-124

audio, 339-349

audio listener, 339-340

changing clips, 349

priorities, 342

scripting, 346-349

sources, 341-346

starting and stopping, 347-348

testing, 343, 344

Scene view, 343, 344

3D, 341, 345-346

2D, 341, 346

Audio Clip property (audio source), 341

audio clips, importing, 342

audio listeners, 77, 339-340

Audition mode (Scene view), 13


properties, 147-148

rotation, 29

Axis property (axis), 148



background, Captain Blaster, 240-241

Background property (cameras), 91

baking objects, 83

Baking property (point lights), 82

base terrain settings, 69

Best Fit property (text objects, UIs), 226

billboards, 67

blend trees, 310-312

blocks, methods, 143

bool variable, 128

Bounce Combine property (physics material), 166

Bounce Intensity property (point lights), 82

Bounce property (Collision module), 266

Bounciness property (physics material), 166

bouncy material, Chaos Ball arena, 178

Box Collider 2D, 213

breaking prefabs, 197

bugs, halos

building games, 387-391

Build Settings dialog, 387-388

built-in 3D objects, 36-37

built-in methods, 127

built-in objects, 25

bullets, Captain Blaster, 245

scripts, 254-255

Bursts property (Emission module), 262


changing scenes via, 380-381

UIs, 226-227

properties, 226-227

Bypass Effects property (audio source), 341

Bypass Listener Effects property (audio source), 341

Bypass Reverb Zones property (audio source), 341



calling methods, 145-146

cameras, 18, 81, 91-95, 99

adding skyboxes to, 71

anatomy of, 91-92

Captain Blaster, 239-240

falling through the world, 77

layers, 95-99

lens flares, 73-74

multiple, 92-93

orthographic, 204-205

size of, 205

picture in picture, 93-95

properties, 91-92

screen-space, 231

sorting layer, 204, 209-211

split screens, 93-95

canvas, UI, 218-223

adding, 218

anchor button, 222, 223

anchors, 220-223

components, 223

EventSystem game object, 218

Rect Transform, 218-219, 220

Render Mode, 230-232

screen-space camera, 231

screen-space overlay, 230-231

world space, 231-232

Canvas Scaler, 223

Captain Blaster, 237-255, 395

background, 240-241

bullets, 245

script, 254-255

camera, 239-240

controls, 247-255

design, 237-238

concept, 237-238

requirements, 238

rules, 238

DestroyOnTrigger script, 251

improvements, 255

meteors, 244-245

script, 249-250

spawn, 250-251

players, 242-243

revisions, 374-375

ShipControl script, 252-253

triggers, 246

script, 251

UI, 246-247

world, 238-239

Cast Shadows property (Renderer module), 270

Center property (colliders), 164

Chaos Ball, 173-187, 395

arena, 175-179

bouncy material, 178

texturing, 177-178

chaos balls, 181-182

colored balls, 182-183

control objects, 183-187

design, 173-174

concept, 174

requirements, 174

rules, 174

game controller, 185-187

improving, 187

players, 179-180

revisions, 372-374

character controllers, 75-78

adding, 108

char variable, 128

Circle Collider 2D, 213

class declaration section, scripts, 125-126

classes, contents, 126-127

Clear Flags property (cameras), 91

Clipping Planes property (cameras), 91

code. See also scripts

comments, 126

scripting, 119

scripts, 109, 120

adding, 111-113

attaching, 123-124

basic, 125

class declaration section, 125-126

classes contents, 126-127

conditionals, 133-135

connecting, 113-114

creating, 120-123

Game Control Script, 186

GoalScript.cs, 184-185

iteration, 136-137

methods, 141-146

operators, 130-133

player input, 146-151

using section, 125

variables, 128-130

VelocityScript.cs, 182

code listings

Default Script Code, 125

Demonstration of Class and Local Block Level, 129

Game Control Script, 186

GoalScript.cs, 184-185

VelocityScript.cs, 182

collaborative groups, 396

colliders, 163-165

complex, 165

interaction matrix, 169

Mesh, 165

mixing and matching, 164

physics materials, 165-166

properties, 164

trigger, 167-169

2D, 212-214

depth, 214

Collides With property (World mode), 267

collision, 161-171

colliders, 163-165

physics materials, 165-166

trigger, 167-169

raycasting, 169-171

rigidbodies, 161-163

Collision Detection property (rigidbody), 162

Collision module (particle system), 266-268

Collision Quality property (World mode), 267

Color by Speed module (particle system), 264-265

Color over Lifetime module (particle system), 264

Color property ( images, UIs), 224

Color property (Color by Speed module), 265

Color property (point lights), 82

comments, 126


Amazing Racer, 104

Captain Blaster, 237-238

Chaos Ball, 174

Gauntlet Runner, 317

conditionals, 133-135

Console window (editor), 126-127

Constraints property (rigidbody), 162


character, 75-78

game, 185-187

control objects, Chaos Ball, 183-187


Captain Blaster, 247-255

Gauntlet Runner, 329-335

script, 330-332

particle systems, 259

virtual, 365-366

Cookie property (point lights), 82

cookies, 89-90

coordinate systems, 23-24

world versus local coordinates, 24-25

Create New Project dialog, 6, 175-176

cross-platform input, 365-368

projects to mobile conversion, 366-368

virtual controls, 365-366

cross-platform settings, players, 384-385

Culling Mask property (cameras), 91

Culling Mask property (point lights), 83, 98

Current Frame (Animation window), 282

curve editor, particle systems, 270-272

curves editor, animations, 287-288

C# variable types, 128

Cycles property (Texture module), 269



Dampen property (Collision module), 266

Dampen property (Limit Velocity over Lifetime module), 263


persisting, 381-384

saving, 382-384

Dead property (axis), 148

default particle system, 261-262

Default Script Code listing, 125

deltaPosition property (touch), 359

deltaTime property (touch), 359

Demonstration of Class and Local Block Level listing, 129

Depth property (cameras), 92

Descriptive Name/Descriptive Negative Name property (axis), 147


accelerometers, 357-358

Amazing Racer, 103-106

concept, 104

requirements, 105-106

rules, 104-105

Captain Blaster, 237-238

concept, 237-238

requirements, 238

rules, 238

Chaos Ball, 173-174

concept, 174

requirements, 174

rules, 174

Gauntlet Runner, 317-318

concept, 317

requirements, 318

rules, 318

UI, 217

DestroyOnTrigger script, Captain Blaster, 251

detail object settings, 70


Add Grass Texture, 67

Add Terrain Texture, 59

Add Tree, 65

Build Settings, 387-388

Create New Project, 6, 175-176

Game Settings, 388-391

Importing Packages, 57-58

Project, 4-5

dimensions, 21-22

coordinate systems, 23-24

world versus local coordinates, 24-25

directional lights, 85-86

cookies, 89

disappearing grass, 68

documentation, 396

Doppler Level property (3D audio), 346

double variable, 128-130


models, 39-40

Unity, 1-3

Drag property (rigidbody), 162

Draw Halo property (point lights), 82

Draw mode (Scene view), 13

draw order, 2D games, 209-212

in layer, 212

sorting layers, 209-211

dual touch, 371

Duration property (particle system), 261

Dynamic Friction property (physics material), 166

Dynamic Friction 2 property (physics material), 166



Edge Collider 2D, 213

Edit Collider property (colliders), 164

editor, 4-17

Console window, 126-127

Game view, 14-16

Hierarchy view, 10-11

Inspector view, 11-12

Project view, 8-10

Scene view, 13-14

toolbars, 16-17


environment, 71-75

fog, 73

lens flares, 73-74

skyboxes, 71-73

water, 74-75

particles, 259

Emission module (particle system), 262

emissive materials, 86

emitter versus particle settings, 268

environments, 63, 78. See also terrain; worlds

adding, 107

billboards, 67

character controllers, 75-78

effects, 71-75

fog, 73

lens flares, 73-74

skyboxes, 71-73

water, 74-75


disappearing, 68

painting, 66-68

realistic, 68

mobile development, setting up, 354-355

terrain, settings, 68-70


generating, 63-70

wind settings, 70

equality operators, 131-132

EventSystem game object, 218

External Forces module (particle system), 265



factories, methods, 143

Field of View property (cameras), 91

fingerId property (touch), 360

first project, creating, 5

Flare property (point lights), 83

flares, lens, 73-74

float variable, 128

Flythrough mode (Scene view), 18-19

fog, 73

Force over Lifetime module (particle system), 264

for loop, 137

formats, heightmaps, 54

Friction Combine property (physics material), 166

Friction Direction 2 property (physics material), 166



game control

Captain Blaster, 248-249

game controller

Chaos Ball, 185-187

game control objects, adding, 109-111

Game Control script, Gauntlet Runner, 330-332

Game Control Script listing, 186

game overlay (Scene view), 14


adding terrain to, 49-51

Amazing Racer, 103-115, 395

adding scripts, 111-113

connecting scripts together, 113-114

creating world, 106-108

design, 103-106

game control objects, adding, 109-111

playtesting, 114-115

attaching scripts, 123-124

building, 387-391

Captain Blaster, 237-255, 395

background, 240-241

bullets, 245

camera, 239-240

controls, 247-255

design, 237-238

improvements, 255

meteors, 244-245

players, 242-243

revisions, 374-375

triggers, 246

UI, 246-247

world, 238-239

Chaos Ball, 173-187, 395

arena, 175-179

chaos balls, 181-182

colored balls, 182-183

control objects, 183-187

design, 173-174

game controller, 185-187

improving, 187

players, 179-180

revisions, 372-374

creating, 396

oject, 5

Gauntlet Runner, 317-336, 395

controls, 329-335

design, 317-318

entities, 321-329

improvement, 335

move script, 333

obstacles, 322

player, 323-329

power ups, 321-322

revisions, 375-376

spawn script, 333-334

trigger zone, 322

world, 318-320

organization, 9

revisions, 365-376

Amazing Racer, 368-371

Captain Blaster, 374-375

Chaos Ball, 372-374

cross-platform input, 365-368

Gauntlet Runner, 375-376

2D, 201-214

adding sprites, 205-209

basics, 201-204

challenges, 202

colliders, 212-214

design principles, 201

draw order, 209-212

orthographic cameras, 204-205

rigidbody, 212

scene view, 202-204

setting, 201-202

writing about, 396

Game Settings dialog, 388-391

Game view, 14-16

Gauntlet Runner, 317-336, 395

controls, 329-335

script, 330-332

design, 317-318

concept, 317

requirements, 318

rules, 318

entities, 321-329

Game Control script, 330-332

improvement, 335

obstacles, 322

player, 323-329

script, 332-333

power ups, 321-322

move script, 333

revisions, 375-376

spawn script, 333-334

trigger zone, 322

script, 329

world, 318-320

generating terrain, 49-56

Geometric properties (colliders), 164

GetComponent, using, 151-152

gizmo (scene), 14

Gizmos button (Game view), 16

Gizmo selector (Scene view), 14

GoalScript.cs listing, 184-185

Graphical Raycaster, 223


disappearing, 68

painting, 66-68

realistic, 68

Gravity Modifier property (particle system), 262

Gravity property (axis), 148

ground, Gauntlet Runner, 319

scrolling, 319-320



halos, 87-89

Hand tool, 17-18

HDR property (cameras), 92


formats, 54

sculpting, 51-54

Hierarchy view, 10-11

prefab instances, 190, 191

Horizontal and vertical Overflow property (text objects, UIs), 226



idle animation, 298-300, 308-309

if/else if statement, 134-135

if/else statement, 134

if statement, 133-134, 135

images, UIs, 224-225

properties, 224


assets, 78

audio clips, 342

models, 37-39

sprites, 206

mode, 206-208

sizes, 208-209

terrain assets, 57-58

Importing Packages dialog, 57-58

inheritance, prefabs, 190, 196-197

Inherit Velocity property (particle system), 262


basics, 147-148

cross-platform, 365-368

projects to mobile conversion, 366-368

virtual controls, 365-366

key, 147, 149-150

mouse, 150-151

multi-touch, mobile devices, 359-361

scripting, 146-151

Input Manager, 147, 149

Inspector view, 11-12

curve editor, 271

rig preparation, 296

script preview, 120, 121

Installing unity, 1-4

instances, prefabs, 190

adding to scenes, 195

Instantiate() method, 197

instantiating prefabs through code, 197

Intensity property (point lights), 82

Interactable property (buttons, UIs), 226

Interpolate property (rigidbody), 162

int variable, 128

Invert property (axis), 148

invisible items, scenes, 97

Is Kinematic property (rigidbody), 162

Is Trigger property (colliders), 164

iteration, 136-137

for loop, 137

while loop, 136



Joy Num property (axis), 148



key codes, 149

Key frames (Animation window), 282

key input, 149-150



lakes, creating, 75

layers, 95-99

order in, 212

overloading, 95

sorting, 204, 209-211

Layers drop-down menu, 17, 96

Layout drop-down menu, 17

lens flares, 73-74

license, Unity, activating, 1-3

Lifetime Loss property (Collision module), 266

lighting scenes, 13

lights, 81-90, 99

area, 86

baking objects, 82

cookies, 89-90

creating out of objects, 86

directional, 85-86

halos, 87-89

layers, 95-99

point, 82-84

properties, 82-83

repeat properties, 81

spotlights, 84-85

Limit Velocity over Lifetime module (particle system), 263


Default Script Code, 125

Demonstration of Class and Local Block Level, 129

Game Control Script, 186

GoalScript.cs, 184-185

VelocityScript.cs, 182

LoadLevel() method, 381, 391

local components, accessing, 151-153

local coordinates, versus world coordinates, 24-25

logical operators, 132-133

Looping property (particle system), 261

Loop property (audio source), 342


for, 137

while, 136



managing scenes, 379-381

maps, heightmaps

formats, 54

sculpting, 51-54

Mass property (rigidbody), 162

Material property ( images, UIs), 224

Material property (colliders), 164

Material property (Renderer module), 270

materials, 41, 43

emissive, 86

models, applying to, 45-46

UIs, 225

Max Distance property (3D audio), 346

Maximize on Play button (Game view), 16

Max Particles (particle system), 262

Max Particle Size property (Renderer module), 270

Mesh colliders, 165


versus models, 36

scaling of, 39

simple modeling, 37

Metallic property (shader), 44

meteors, Captain Blaster, 244-245

script, 249-250

spawn, 250-251

methods, 141-146

blocks, 143

built-in, 127

calling, 145-146

as factories, 143

identifying parts, 143

Instantiate(), 197

LoadLevel(), 381, 391

names, 142

OnGUI(), 361

parameter list, 142-143

return type, 142

writing, 144-145

Min Distance property (3D audio), 346

minimum requirements, Unity, 3

Min Kill Speed property (Collision module), 266

mobile development, 353-361

accelerometers, 357-361

environments, setting up, 354-355

preparing for, 353-356

Unity Remote app, 355

mobile devices

multi-touch input, 359-361

multitudes of, 354

testing, 356

models, 35-40, 45

applying textures, shaders, and materials, 45-46

Asset Store, 39-40

built-in 3D objects, 36-37

downloading, 39-40

importing, 37-39

versus meshes, 36

model asset workflow, 41

preparing for animation, 276-277

rigging, animators, 293-296

modules, particle systems, 259-270

Collision, 266-268

Color by Speed, 264-265

Color over Lifetime, 264

default, 261-262

Emission, 262

External Forces, 265

Force over Lifetime, 264

Limit Velocity over Lifetime, 263

Renderer, 269-270

Rotation by Speed, 265

Rotation over Lifetime, 265

shape, 263

Size by Speed, 265

Size over Lifetime, 265

Sub Emitter, 269

Texture Sheet, 269

Velocity over Lifetime, 263

MonoDevelop, 120, 122, 123

mouse input, 150-151

move script, Gauntlet Runner, 333

multiple cameras, 92-93

multiple skyboxes, cameras, 71

multi-touch input, mobile devices, 359-361

mute audio button, 344

Mute property (audio source), 341



Name property (axis), 147

names, methods, 142

Navigation property (buttons, UIs), 227

Negative Button/Positive Button property (axis), 147

nested objects, transformations, 32-33

nesting, 11

Normal Direction property (Renderer module), 270

Normalized View Port Rect property (cameras), 91

Normal Map property (shader), 44



objects, 21, 25. See also specific objects

baking, 83

built-in, 25

built-in 3D objects, 36-37

consolidating, 176

control, 183-187

creating lights out of, 86

detail settings, 70

dimensions, 21-22

EventSystem, 218

finding, 153-156

game control, adding, 109-111, 334-335

keeping, 381-382

layers, 95-99

overloading, 95

modifying components, 157

nested, transformations, 32-33

persisting, 381-384

picture in picture, 94-95

prefabs, 189

breaking, 197

creating, 193-194

inheritance, 190, 196-197

instances, 190

instantiating through code, 197

structure, 190-192

updating, 196-197

rotation, 29-30

scaling, 30-31

spin, 283-284

target, transforming, 157

textures, 41

transformations, 26-33

hazards, 31-32

nested objects, 32-33

transforming, 153

translation, 27-29

obstacles, Gauntlet Runner, 322

Occlusion Culling property (cameras), 92

Offset property (shader), 44

On Click () property (UIs), 227-229

OnGUI() method, 361

operating systems, supported, 3

operators, 130-133

arithmetic, 130-131

assignment, 131

equality, 131-132

logical, 132-133

order, in layer, 212

order, scenes, establishing, 380-381

organization, projects, 9

orthographic cameras, 204-205

size of, 205

Output property (audio source), 341




grass, 66-68

textures, terrain, 60

trees, 63-66

parameter list, methods, 142-143

parameters, animators, 309-310

Particle Radius property (Plane mode), 266

particles, 257

effects, 259

making collide, 267-268

particle settings versus emitter, 268

particle systems, 257-272

controls, 259

creating, 258

curve editor, 270-272

modules, 259-270

Collision, 266-268

Color by Speed, 264-265

Color over Lifetime, 264

default, 261-262

Emission, 262

External Forces, 265

Force over Lifetime, 264

Limit Velocity over Lifetime, 263

Renderer, 269-270

Rotation by Speed, 265

Rotation over Lifetime, 265

shape, 263

Size by Speed, 265

Size over Lifetime, 265

Sub Emitter, 269

Texture Sheet, 269

Velocity over Lifetime, 263

particles, 257

making collide, 267-268

Unity, 257-258

Pause button (Game view), 15

per-platform settings, players, 385-387

persisting objects, 382

phase property (touch), 360


collision, 161-171

colliders, 163-165

physics materials, 165-166

raycasting, 169-171

rigidbodies, 161-163

trigger, 167-169

2D, 212-214

colliders, 212-214

rigidbody, 212

physics materials, 165-166

picture in picture, 93-95

Pitch property (audio source), 342

Place Tree tool, 64-65

Planes property (Plane mode), 266

Planes/World property (Collision module), 266

Play button (Game view), 15

player input

basics, 147-148

key, 147, 149-150

mouse, 150-151

scripting, 146-151

PlayerPrefs file, saving data to, 382-383


Captain Blaster, 242-243

Chaos Ball, 179-180

Gauntlet Runner, 323-329

script, 332-333

settings, 384-387

Play On Awake property (audio source), 342

Play On Wake property (particle system), 262

playtesting Amazing Racer, 114-115

point lights, 82-84

properties, 82-83

scenes, adding to, 83

points, 23

Polygon Collider 2D, 213

position property (touch), 360

power up, Gauntlet Runner, 321-322

script, 333

prefabs, 189-197

breaking, 197

creating, 193-194

inheritance, 190, 196-197

instances, 190

adding to scenes, 195

instantiating through code, 197

structure, 190-192

updating, 196-197

Preserve Aspect property (images, UIs), 224

Preview (Animation window), 282

Prewarm property (particle system), 261

priorities, audio, 342

Priority property (audio source), 342

private variables, 129-130

Project Dialog, 4-5

Projection property (cameras), 91

projects. See also games

adding terrain to, 49-51

attaching scripts, 123-124

converting to mobile, 366-368

creating first, 5

organization, 9

Project view, 8-10

prefabs, 189-190, 191


Animation window, 282

audio source, 341-342

axis, 147-148

buttons (UIs), 226-227

cameras, 91-92

character controllers, 77

colliders, 164

Collision module, 266

Color by Speed module, 265

default module, 261-262

Emission module, 262

fog, 73

image component (UI), 224

lights, 81

Limit Velocity over Lifetime module, 263

physics materials, 166

Place Tree tool, 65

Plane mode, 266

Renderer module, 270

rigidbodies, 162

shader, 44

text objects (UIs), 226

Texture module, 269

touch, 359

Velocity over Lifetime module, 263

World mode, 267

public variables, 129-130



Range property (point lights), 82

Rate property (Emission module), 262

raycasting, 169-171


mouse movement, 151

specific key presses, 150

realistic grass, 68

Receive Shadows property (Renderer module), 270

Record Mode (Animation window), 282

Record Mode, animations, 285-287

Rect Transform, of canvas, 218-219, 220

Rect Transform Tool, 208

Renderer module (particle system), 269-270

Rendering Path property (cameras), 92

Render mode (Scene view), 13

Render Mode, canvas (UIs), 230-232

screen-space camera, 231

screen-space overlay, 230-231

world space, 231-232

Render Mode property (point lights), 83

Render Mode property (Renderer module), 270


Amazing Racer, 105-106

Captain Blaster, 238

Chaos Ball, 174

Gauntlet Runner, 318

resources, 396-397

return type, methods, 142

Reverb Zone Mix property (audio source), 342

revisions, game, 365-376

Amazing Racer, 368-371

disappearing joystick fixing, 370-371

tilt control, 368-369

using touch joystick, 369-370

Captain Blaster, 374-375

Chaos Ball, 372-374

cross-platform input, 365-368

projects to mobile conversion, 366-368

virtual controls, 365-366

Gauntlet Runner, 375-376

Rich Text property (text objects, UIs), 226

rigging models, animators, 293-296

rigidbodies, 161-163

properties, 162

2D, 212

rig preparation, animators, 296-298

rigs, animations, 275-276

rotation, objects, 29-30

Rotation by Speed module (particle system), 265

Rotation over Lifetime module (particle system), 265


Amazing Racer, 104-105

Captain Blaster, 238

Chaos Ball, 174

Gauntlet Runner, 318



Samples (Animation window), 282

saving data, 382-384

to PlayerPrefs file, 382-383

Scale Plane property (Plane mode), 266

scaling objects, 30-31

scenes, 11, 379, 395

changing via buttons, 380-381

character controllers, adding to, 76-78

directional lights, adding to, 85-86

establishing order, 380-381

fog, adding to, 73

Gauntlet Runner, 318-319

gizmo, 14

invisible items, 97

lens flares, adding to, 74

lighting, 13

managing, 379-381

point lights, adding to, 83

prefabs instances, adding to, 195

Scene view, 17-19

skyboxes, adding to, 72-73

spotlights, adding to, 85

switching, 381

Scene view, 13-14, 17-19

audio testing, 343, 344

Flythrough mode, 18-19

2D games, 202-204

scope, variables, 129

screen-space camera, 231

screen-space overlay, 230-231

scripting, 119-137, 141-157

accessing local components, 151-153

animators, 314-315

audio, 346-349

conditionals, 133-135

finding objects, 153-156

iteration, 136-137

language, 120

methods, 141-146

modifying object components, 157

operators, 130-133

arithmetic, 130-131

assignment, 131

equality, 131-132

logical, 132-133

player input, 146-151

scripts, 109, 120

adding, 111-113

attaching, 123-124

basic, 125

Captain Blaster

bullets, 254-255

DestroyOnTrigger, 251

meteors, 249-250

meteor spawn, 250-251

ShipControl, 252-253

triggers, 251

class declaration section, 125-126

classes contents, 126-127

connecting, 113-114

creating, 120-123

Game Control Script, 186

Gauntlet Runner

controls, 330-332

move script, 333

players, 332-333

spawn script, 333-334

trigger zone, 329

GoalScript.cs, 184-185

using section, 125

variables, 128-130

VelocityScript.cs, 182

Scrubber (Animation window), 282


heightmaps, 51-54

terrain, tools, 54-56

worlds, 106-107

Send Collision Messages property (Collision module), 266

Sensitivity property (axis), 148

Separate Axis property (Limit Velocity over Lifetime module), 263

Set Native Size property (images, UIs), 224

settings, players, 384-387

shaders, 41, 42

models, applying to, 45-46

properties, 44

Shadow Type property (point lights), 82

shape module (particle system), 263

Shininess property (shader), 44

ShipControl script, Captain Blaster, 252-253

Simulation Space property (particle system), 262

Size by Speed module (particle system), 265

Size over Lifetime module (particle system), 265

Size property (colliders), 164

skyboxes, 71-73

cameras, adding to, 71

scenes, adding to, 72-73

Smoothness property (shader), 44

Snap property (axis), 148

Sorting Fudge property (Renderer module), 270

sorting layers, 204, 209-211

creating, 209-211

Sort Order property (Renderer module), 270

Source Image property ( images, UIs), 224

sources, audio, 341-346

Space property (Velocity over Lifetime module), 263

Spatial Blend property (audio source), 342

spawn script, Gauntlet Runner, 333-334

specific key presses, reading, 150

Speed property (Limit Velocity over Lifetime module), 263

Speed Range property (Color by Speed module), 265

split screens, 93-95

spotlights, 84-85

cookies, 89-90

Spread property (3D audio), 346

Sprite Editor, 206-208

sprite mode, 206-208

sprites, 2D games

adding, 205-209

importing, 206

mode, 206-208

sizes, 208-209

missing, 212

textures, 206

Start Color property (particle system), 261

Start Delay property (particle system), 261

starting audio, 347-348

Start Lifetime property (particle system), 261

Start Rotation property (particle system), 262

Start Speed property (particle system), 261


if, 133-134

if/else, 134

if/else if, 134-135

states, animators, 310-312

Static Friction property (physics material), 166

Static Friction 2 property (physics material), 166

Stats button (Game view), 16

Step button (Game view), 15

Stereo Pan property (audio source), 342

stopping audio, 347-348

string variable, 128

structure, prefabs, 190-192

Sub Emitter module (particle system), 269

supported operating systems, 3

switching scenes, 381

syntax, 128



tabs, adding, 7

Tag Manager, adding new layers to, 96-97

tapCount property (touch), 360

target objects, transforming, 157

Target Texture property (cameras), 92

terrain, 49, 61. See also environments

assets, 64

base, settings, 69

flattening, 55

generation, 49-56

heightmaps, sculpting, 51-54

importing assets, 57-58

sculpting, tools, 54-56

settings, 68-70

size, 51

textures, 57-61

creating, 61

painting, 60

Terrain Settings tool, 68-69


Amazing Racer, playtesting, 114-115

audio, 343, 344

2D, 346

Scene view, 343, 344

mobile devices, 356

Text objects, UIs, 225-226

properties, 226

Text property (text objects, UIs), 226

textures, 41-42

baking objects, 83

cookies, 89

grass, 67

models, applying to, 45-46

sprite, 206

terrain, 57-61

creating, 61

painting, 60

Texture Sheet module (particle system), 269

texturing Chaos Ball arena, 177-178

3D artists, animations, 277

3D audio, 341, 345-346

3D objects, 22

built-in, 36-37

3D scene view, 13

3D Sound Settings property (audio source), 342

Tiles property (Texture module), 269

Tiling property (shader), 44

Timeline (Animation window), 282

timing, animations, 285

toolbars, editor, 16-17


animations, 281-288

2D games (See 2D games)

Hand, 17-18

Place Tree, 65

Rect Transform, 208

sculpting, 54-56

Terrain Settings, 68-69

transform, 16


multi-touch input, mobile devices, 359-361

tracking, 360-361


hazards, 31-32

nested objects, 32-33

objects, 26-33, 153

transform component, 26

accessing, 152-153

Transform gizmo toggles, 16

transform tools, 16

Hand tool, 17-18

Rect, 208

Transition property (buttons, UIs), 227

transitions, animators, 312-314

translation, objects, 27-29


painting, 63-66

settings, 70

triangles, 36


Captain Blaster, 246

script, 251

colliders, 167-169

trigger zone, Gauntlet Runner, 322

script, 329

2D animations, 277-279

2D audio, 341, 346

2D games, 201-214

adding sprites, 205-209

importing, 206

sizes, 208-209

sprite mode, 206-208

basics, 201-204

challenges, 202

colliders, 212-214

design principles, 201

draw order, 209-212

in layer, 212

sorting layers, 209-211

orthographic cameras, 204-205

rigidbody, 212

scene view, 202-204

setting, 201-202

2D objects, 22

2D scene view, 13

Type property (axis), 148

Type property (point lights), 82



UIs. See user interfaces (UIs)


2D colliders, 213

downloading, 1-3

editor, 4-17

installing, 1-4

interface, 6-8

license, activating, 1-3

minimum requirements, 3

modifying public variables in, 129-130

Unity particle systems, 257-258

Unity Remote app, 355, 371

unwrap texture, 42

updating prefabs, 196-197

Use Gravity property (rigidbody), 162

user input. See player input

user interfaces (UIs), 217-232

canvas, 218-223

adding, 218

anchor button, 222, 223

anchors, 220-223

components, 223

EventSystem game object, 218

Rect Transform, 218-219, 220

Render Mode, 230-232

Captain Blaster, 246-247

controls, 223-230

design, 217

elements, 223-230

buttons, 226-227

On Click () property, 227-229

images, 224-225

sorting, 230

text, 225-226

materials, 225

principles, 217-218

using section, scripts, 125



value curve, 261

variables, 128-130

creating, 128

private, 129-130

public, 129-130

scope, 129

Velocity over Lifetime module (particle system), 263

VelocityScript.cs listing, 182

View Port Rect property (cameras), 91


duplicating, 7

Game, 14-16

Hierarchy, 10-11, 190, 191

Inspector, 11-12

curve editor, 271

rig preparation, 296

script preview, 120, 121

Project, 8-10

prefabs, 189-190, 191

Scene, 13-14, 17-19

2D games, 202-204

Flythrough mode, 18-19

virtual control system, 365-366

Visualization property (Plane mode), 266

Volume property (audio source), 342

Volume Rolloff property (3D audio), 346

Voxel Size property (World mode), 267



walk animation, 300-302

walk turn animation, 302-305

water, 74-75

while loop, 136

wind, settings, 70

window (Animation), 281-283

world coordinates, versus local coordinates, 24-25


Amazing Racer, 106-108

Captain Blaster, 238-239

Chaos Ball, arena, 175-176

Gauntlet Runner, 318-320

sculpting, 106-107

world space, 231-232

writing methods, 144-145



XYZ property (Velocity over Lifetime module), 263