Appendix C: Browser Compatibility
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A Good Browser is Easy to Find

Even though Dreamweaver's browser profiles (discussed later in this chapter) can tell you a lot about old features, it's a good idea to have a wide variety of browsers installed so you can actually see how your pages look in different environments.

If your system resources support it, you should most certainly have the latest versions of Navigator and Explorer installed and on the list. You may encounter serious system issues if you try to have earlier versions of these browsers installed; if you have more than one hard drive or computer, you can install older versions there.

Other browsers I recommend using:

Mosaic (any version): If you can, get both 3.0, which has similar features to Netscape 2, and an older version, particularly one that doesn't do tables. It doesn't matter what brand name is attached to it; NCSA Mosaic and Spyglass Mosaic will both work.

Opera: A great fast-loading browser with lots of good features and few extraneous ones.

Lynx: The most popular text-only browser.

AOL 1.0-3.0: It's nearly impossible to find a version of this exceedingly crappy browser, but lots of people still use it. If you have an old AOL CD, check it for a copy of the browser; if you have a copy, don't delete it.

Other fairly popular browsers include Cyberdog (Mac only), Echo, IBM WebExplorer (OS/2), IBrowse, MacWeb (Mac only), and Voyager (Amiga).

To find a copy of these browsers, visit and search for what you're interested in.