Chapter 9: Tables
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Controlling Space in and Around Cells

Cell spacing adds space between cells, making the table bigger without changing the size of individual cells. Cell padding adds space around the contents of a cell, in effect, pushing the walls of the cell outward. When using tables for layout, you often want to eliminate both kinds of spacing.

To control space in and around cells:

  1. Place the cursor in the TABLE tag before the final >.
  2. Type CELLSPACING=n, where n is the number of pixels desired between each cell. (The attribute cellspacing is one word.)
  3. Type CELLPADDING=n, where n is the number of pixels desired between the contents and the walls of the cell. (The attribute cellpadding is one word.)


  • To eliminate space between the contents of one cell and the next, use CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0. This is the most common value in a table used for layout.
  • The default for cell spacing is 2 pixels. The default for cell padding is 1 pixel.
  • The alignment options (see page 154) consider the cell padding as the actual cell limits, and thus, may give unexpected results.
  • If, after eliminating cell spacing and padding, there’s still a little bit of space between your elements, make sure you’ve set your BORDER to 0 pixels (see page 146) and that you’ve set the width of your table and of each of the cells it contains (see page 148).
Figure 9.25 Cell spacing adds space between cells. Cell padding adds space between a cell’s contents and its border. When using tables for layout, you often want to eliminate both types so that your elements are right up next to one another.
Figure 9.26 Since this table contains columns of text, we need a little bit of spacing between the text and the cell’s borders. There’s no need for space between the cells themselves.
Figure 9.27 Cell spacing and padding help make columns of text more readable. (It’s invisible; I’ve just highlighted it here for your reference.)
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