PrintNumber | ErrorLocation | Error | Correction | DateAdded |
2 | piv | Second Printing: March 2011 | Third Printing: July 2011 | 3/18/2011 |
2 | p7 | Think of some corporate brands you have positive or negative feelings toward: McDonalds, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, Indianapolis Colts, Chicago Cubs, BP. | Think of some corporate brands you have positive or negative feelings toward: McDonalds, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, Indianapolis Colts, Chicago Cubs. | 6/23/2011 |
2 | p9 | Whoever you are, whatever you techniques you use, whomever you want to reach, there are five basic ideas five universal objectives that are the same for anyone who is trying to grown their personal brand. | Whoever you are, whatever techniques you use, whomever you want to reach, there are five basic ideas five universal objectives that are the same for anyone who is trying to grow their personal brand. | 6/23/2011 |
2 | p9 | What do you think about when youre daydreaming and spend all your free time doing or pursuing? | What do you think about when youre daydreaming, and spend all your free time doing or pursuing? | 6/23/2011 |
2 | p9 | They view their day job as a means to an end to fulfilling their passion. | They view their day job as a means to fulfilling their passion. | 6/23/2011 |
2 | p11 | Weve found self-promotion seems to be especially hard for people from the Midwest, where we live. | Self-promotion seems to be especially hard for people from the Midwest, where we live. | 6/23/2011 |
2 | p14 | But it all started with being at the same place at the same time in January 2008. | But it all started with being in the same place at the same time in January 2008. | 6/23/2011 |
2 | p19 | In this case Eriks storytellers promise is that he will tell you how to build your network through social networking, not about the time he took his dog for a walk and shenanigans ensued. | In this case, Eriks storytellers promise is that he will tell you how to build your network through social networking, not about the time he took his dog for a walk and shenanigans ensued. | 6/23/2011 |
2 | p20 | They are intricate to the development of a person, and theyre extremely important in the world of personal branding. | They are instrumental to the development of a person, and theyre extremely important in the world of personal branding. | 6/23/2011 |
2 | p43 | A URL looks like this: http://bobscrumrunner., but will also, for a fee, let you choose your domain name (but wont hide the longer URLs), buy extra storage, post videos with a WordPress player, and eliminate ads, otherwise its free. (If you have a blog already, go to the dashboard and click on the Upgrades button for pricing.) |
A URL looks like this: http://bobscrumrunner., but will also, for a fee, let you choose your domain name (but wont hide the longer URLs), buy extra storage, post videos with a WordPress player, and eliminate ads. Otherwise its free. (If you have a blog already, go to the dashboard and click on the Upgrades button for pricing.) |
6/23/2011 |
2 | p45 | (Yes, the other blog platforms will let you do this too, but this is Posterouss raison dêtrereason for being.) raison dêtre should be italic. |
fixed | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p46 | (You have to prove youre one.) | (You have to prove you are one.) | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p56 | The tendency is to write as quickly as you can, and the quality of your writing drops off. However, the more you post, the more search engines will find you (and love you!). This makes it easier to be found in the search engines for your particular search terms, because search engines want fresh, new content on a regular basis. |
The tendency is to write as quickly as you can, which means the quality of your writing may drop off. However, the more you post, the more search engines will find you (and love you!). Frequent posting makes it easier to be found in the search engines for your particular search terms, because search engines want fresh, new content on a regular basis. |
6/24/2011 |
2 | p57 | Newspapers are also readable because of the tone and voice the writers use. Thats why many newspaper columnists have regular readers, because of their writing style. Adopt your own style, but make sure youre friendly, conversational, and factual. Your style can be anything from your frequent choice of certain words, the length of your sentences and complexity of your words. (Adopt sentence should be with prev. para. and You style starts a new one.) |
Newspapers are also readable because of the tone and voice the writers use. Thats why many newspaper columnists have regular readers, because of their writing style. Adopt your own style, but make sure youre friendly, conversational, and factual. Your style can be anything from your frequent choice of certain words, the length of your sentences and complexity of your words.d |
6/24/2011 |
2 | p59 | Unless youre blogging about the word here, avoid using that as your hyperlink. | Unless youre blogging about the word here, avoid using that as your hyperlink. | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p66 | 70 million users1 1 |
100 million users1 1 |
6/24/2011 |
2 | p68 | Figure 4.1 replaced | fixed | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p69 | We are assuming that you understand the concept of professional. | We also assume that you understand the concept of professional. | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p71 | Dont link to your Facebook profile in your Website section. You want to create a boundary between your personal and professional life. Although a truly industrious hiring manager may search for you on Facebook, theres no reason you need to make it easier for them. (At the same time, make sure you arent posting anything on Facebook that could harm your professional reputation.) | Dont link to your Facebook profile in your Website section. Although a truly industrious hiring manager may search for you on Facebook, theres no reason you need to make it easier for them. (At the same time, make sure you arent posting anything on Facebook that could harm your professional reputation.) | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p71 | Just follow the LinkedIn suggestions under your status and you will hit 100% before you know it. If only life were this easy! | Just follow the LinkedIn suggestions under your status and you will hit it before you know it. If only life were this easy! | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p72 | Personal information and pictures do not need to be shared to a perspective employer until after the initial meeting. | Personal information and pictures do not need to be shared to a perspective employer. | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p74 | When you connect to an individual on LinkedIn you have the opportunity to connect with their contacts! People you may not know but could be valuable to your network. Remember, these people become your best marketers. Theyre the people who spread your message (and personal brand) faster than anyone else in the world. | When you connect to an individual on LinkedIn you have the opportunity to connect with their contacts! These are people you may not know but could be valuable to your network. Remember, these people become your best marketers. They spread your message (and personal brand) faster than anyone else in the world. | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p76 | If you look at Figure 4.4 you can see a second degree symbol by Jonathan Pomas name on his LinkedIn profile. Jonathan could be a valuable connection based on who he is connected with. If I want to become a connection to Jonathan I can use my initial network to ask for an introduction. | If you look at Figure 4.4, you can see a second degree symbol by Jonathans name on his LinkedIn profile. Jonathan could be a valuable connection based on who he is connected with. If you want to become a connection to Jonathan,, you can use your initial network to ask for an introduction. | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p78 | This introduces you to more possible contacts, and you can identify your relationship with this individual as part of a shared group. | This introduces you to more possible contacts, and you can identify your relationship with someone as part of a shared group. | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p78 | Remember, LinkedIn is made up of white collar professionals who (usually) only use it to connect with other professionals in their industry. | Remember, LinkedIn is made up of professionals who (usually) only use it to connect with other professionals in their industry. | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p80 | So what makes a good recommendation? Remember our friends from Chapter 1, Welcome to the Party? | So what makes a good recommendation? | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p82 | Connecting to hundreds of strangers will NOT help your network in LinkedIN. They do not care about you! | Connecting to hundreds of strangers will NOT help your network in LinkedIn. They dont care about you! | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p83 | Remember, you want to build a network of connections (deep relationships), not contacts (someone whose email you just happened to get). | You want to build a network of connections (deep relationships), not contacts (someone whose email you just happened to get). | 6/24/2011 |
2 | p89 | For example, an individual who works for a pet food supplier would love to know what their constituents are using on a regular basis. | For example, an individual who works for a pet food supplier would love to know what their connections are using on a regular basis. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p91 | Both Kyle and Erik share passion for the city of Indianapolis, and they connect with people on a daily basis who live in the city. Erik connects with other food lovers in the city to find new restaurants to attend and promote. Kyle finds new music venues by following local musicians. Their passion for the city helps grow both of their personal brands because of the direct contact they are having with other individuals. | Both Kyle and Erik share a passion for the city of Indianapolis, and they connect with people on a daily basis who live in the city. Erik connects with other food lovers in the city to find new restaurants to attend and promote. Kyle finds new music venues by following local musicians. Their passion for the city helps them grow both of their personal brands because of the direct contact they are having with other individuals. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p91 | If youve reached this point, hopefully youre ready to join the twitterati, the millions of people who use Twitter on a daily basis to build their brand. | If youve reached this point in the book, hopefully youre ready to join the twitterati, the millions of people who use Twitter on a daily basis to build their brand. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p93 | Go to and search for keywords surrounding your industry or even your passions. Put in italic. |
fixed | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p94 | When Kyle sent the tweet, all his followers received it and @ravynstadick received it because she was mentioned. | When Kyle sent the tweet, all his followers received it and @ravynstadick received it, because she was mentioned. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p98 | Twhirl lets you connect to multiple accounts on Twitter,, FriendFeed, and Seesmic. | Twhirl lets you connect to multiple accounts on Twitter,, FriendFeed, and Seesmic. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p99 | First line: ...some of these things, but we havent found one that does everything HootSuite does. |
some of these things, but only TweetDeck does everything HootSuite does. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p99 | Whether you are pre-posting tweets to be sent out during the day or tracking clicks for links you have tweeted HootSuite is, in our opinion, the best application to use for Twitter management (see Figure 5.2). | Whether you are pre-posting tweets to be sent out during the day or tracking clicks for links you have tweeted HootSuite is, in our opinion, one of the best applications to use for Twitter management (see Figure 5.2). | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p102 | Youve created all this chatter, and it doesnt do a thing. | Youve created all this chatter, but it doesnt do a thing. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p105 | Twitter is extremely important to Allen because his potential employer uses Twitter because it is a corporate communication platform. | Twitter is extremely important to Allen because his potential employer uses Twitter as a corporate communication platform. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p105 | By sharing her expertise with the network on all things insurance (not relating to the company but from her personal opinion), she will be building her knowledge and personal brand. | By sharing her expertise with the network on all things insurance (not relating to the company, but her personal opinion), she will be building her knowledge and personal brand. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p106 | Twitter may not lead to much sales leads for Darrin but it will increase his network size and scope. | Twitter may not lead to many job leads for Darrin but it will increase his network size and scope. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p107 | What does 500 million represent? | What does 600 million represent? | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p108 | In July 2010, Facebook announced that it had more than 500 million active users. That is a half a billion individuals using Facebook to create connections with friends and colleagues and further their personal brands and personas. | In July 2010, Facebook announced that it had more than 500 million active users. They reached 600 million in early 2011. Thats a half a billion individuals using Facebook to create connections with friends and colleagues and further their personal brands and personas. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p108 | The main purpose of using Facebook is to create a community and connect people. | The main reason for using Facebook is to create a community and connect people. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p109 | @edeckers: Our editors would probably not like the use of small children. @kyleplacy: No. I am guessing you are right. |
@edeckers: Our editors would probably not like us using small children to sell the book. @kyleplacy: No. I am guessing youre right. |
6/27/2011 |
2 | p110 | If you were to ask a entrepreneur or business professional how they became successful the majority of them will say philanthropy. | If you were to ask a entrepreneur or business professional how they became successful, the majority of them will say philanthropy. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p115 | Use this picture, also, on your page and even your personal profile (if you use your profile for business only purposes). If you would like to show a more personal side to your personal profile use two different photos for your personal and professional pages. | Use this picture, also, on your page and even your personal profile (if you use your profile for business-only purposes). If you would like to show a more personal side to your personal profile, use two different photos for your personal and professional pages. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p116 | You are probably sitting there thinking, I am a personal brand. I do not care about my personal privacy. | You are probably thinking, I am a personal brand. I do not care about my personal privacy. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p117 | To do this, move to the far-right portion of the top blue bar and click on the Account button. The Account button has everything you need to access your account settings, privacy settings, and application settings. We want you to choose the drop-down option of Privacy Settings. | To do this, move to the far-right side of the top blue bar and click on the Account button. The Account button has everything you need to access your account settings, privacy settings, and application settings. Choose the drop-down option of Privacy Settings. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p118 | Facebook usernames (or customized URLs) allow you to create a name in your link instead of an ID number. | Facebook user names (or customized URLs) allow you to create a name in your link instead of an ID number. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p119 | If out of those five people an additional five share the content, it will be shared exponentially across the entire Facebook network. This is the concept of viral communication. Think of it as the cold epidemic but with a positive spin. | If out of those five people, an additional five share the content, it will be shared exponentially across the entire Facebook network. This is the concept of viral communication. Think of it as the cold epidemic, but with a positive spin. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p119 | With half a billion users on Facebook, some of them are bound to like your brand, and a public page makes your brand accessible to them. | With 600 million users on Facebook, some of them are bound to like your brand, and a public page makes your brand accessible to them. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p120 | Facebook ads are based on a pay-per-click and pay-per-impression model of payment. | Facebook ads (Figure 6.3) are based on a pay-per-click and pay-per-impression model of payment. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p120 | Only a professional page lets you use the Facebook Analytics (or Insights) application. | Only a professional page lets you use the Facebook Insights application (Figure 6.4). | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p122 | When you see increased interactions it means your content is being accessed, viewed, and read by your supporters. | When you see increased interactions, it means your content is being accessed, viewed, and read by your supporters. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p122 | You can greatly expand on the analytics capabilities when you integrate them with more robust tracking systems (Webtrends, Omniture) who link directly to Facebook, which can provide more robust metrics to answer some of your more direct business questions. | You can greatly expand on the analytics capabilities when you integrate them with more robust tracking systems (Webtrends, Omniture) that link directly to Facebook, which can provide more robust metrics to answer some of your more direct business questions. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p125 | Erik has it posted on his dashboard, and Kyle has made all the mistakes, so it is engrained in his mind. | Erik has it posted on his dashboard, and Kyle has made all the mistakes, so it is ingrained in his mind. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p127 | You are probably thinking to yourself, Duh, Kyle and Erik. I would never use bad language in the all-knowing and consuming world of Facebook. Well, reader, some people do. | Youre probably thinking, Duh, Kyle and Erik. I would never use bad language in the all-knowing and consuming world of Facebook. Well, some people do. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p127 | Most of the time a friend or follower does not want to help you plant a garden in Farmville or be invited to your party 50 times. | Most of the time, a friend or follower does not want to help you plant a garden in Farmville or be invited to your party 50 times. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p132 | Now, the infection part of the P&T (positioning and transaction) statement may be a little much for you to handle but it makes the point. | Now, the infection part of the P&T (positioning and transaction) statement may be a little much for you to handle, but it makes the point. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p134 | She is ranked one of the top in her industry! | She is ranked as one of the top in her industry! | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p135 | She also appeals to the emotional side of the reader by saying wants to make a difference, which makes her P&T statement even more powerful . | She also appeals to the emotional side of the reader by saying she wants to make a difference, which makes her P&T statement even more powerful . | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p136 | When you create a plan to deliver your personal brand story, you are setting yourself up for not only sounding and looking professional but being professional. | When you create a plan to deliver your personal brand story, you are setting yourself up for not only sounding and looking professional, but being professional. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p137 | If you do not have a planner, you may want to read another first, about how to plan your day. | If you do not have a planner, you may want to find one first, to figure out how to plan your day. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p138 | Think of your typical work day. What is going on throughout the day? You have to pick the kids up, you have a report to file somewhere, more than likely you need to do some shopping, the boss is breathing down your neck, or you have a business to run. It is important to block out time in your day to accomplish your personal branding campaign. I mean, heck, you have spent so much time building and tweaking the system you might as well stick to it, right? |
Think of your typical work day. What is going on throughout the day? You have to pick the kids up, you have a report to file, more than likely you need to do some shopping, the boss is breathing down your neck, or you have a business to run. It is important to block out time in your day to accomplish your personal branding campaign. You spent so much time building and tweaking the system you might as well stick to it, right? | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p139 | Table 7.2: ... Connect with two people, or ask for a connection. Connect with one person for a face-to-face networking meeting. ... Weekly LinkedIn Post one question to a LinkedIn group. Answer one question from a LinkedIn group. Weekly Twitter Send out five #followfriday tweets. |
... Connect with two people, or ask for a connection. Answer one question from a LinkedIn group. ... Weekly LinkedIn Post one question to a LinkedIn group. Connect with one person for a face-to-face networking meeting. Weekly Twitter Send out five #followfriday tweets. (Friday only, please!) |
6/27/2011 |
2 | p142 | We have witnessed individuals giving away entire books for an email address. | We have seen people giving away entire books for an email address. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p142 | When you share content, you are receiving links (remember the importance of back links to build search authority) and new eyeballs to read your content. | When you share content, you are receiving links (remember the importance of backlinks to build search authority) and new eyeballs to read your content. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p145 | It is all about me! | It is all about me! they think. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p145 | After the third switch-a-roo, the conversation becomes highly annoying because you cannot follow anything the person is saying. The same concept applies to social media. Create a list of what you are going to say and talk about on the social networking sites. | After the third switcheroo, the conversation becomes highly annoying because you cannot follow anything the person is saying. The same concept applies to social media. Create a list of what you are going to talk about on the social networking sites. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p154 | Think of them as footnotes in a research paper. If Erik writes a post reacting to a post by Kyle, Erik will link to Kyles post to give him credit for the original content. | If Erik writes a post reacting to a post by Kyle, Erik will link to Kyles post to give him credit for the original content. Think of them as footnotes in a research paper. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p155 | Usability of the applicationGoogle Analytics is extremely easy to use. Unlike other analytics platforms, Google Analytics is fairly easy to implement to your blog and extremely easy to use. | Usability of the applicationUnlike other analytics platforms, Google Analytics is fairly easy to implement to your blog and extremely easy to use. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p157 | WordPress has an easy-to-install plug-in called (you guessed it) Google Analytics for WordPress ( By installing the plug-in into your WordPress account, you can change the setting for the Google Analytics account in your WordPress dashboard. | has an easy-to-install plug-in called (you guessed it) Google Analytics for WordPress ( By installing the plug-in into your WordPress blog, you can change the setting for the Google Analytics account in your WordPress dashboard. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p181 | But if they did that, Dave and Bob would not enjoy working with all their clients, and they would spend more time and energy on those clients. That could make them lose money and even burn them out. But if Dave passes to Tom the kind the clients Tom prefers and vice versa, they each enjoy the work, and they can even make more money. | But if they did that, Dave and Bob would not enjoy working with all their clients, and they would spend more time and energy on them. That could make them lose money and even burn them out. But if Dave passes to Bob the kind the clients Bob prefers and vice versa, they each enjoy the work, and they can even make more money. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p189 | @edeckers: Me?! Youre the one who gave that vacuum salesman my name last fall. I had to buy one just to get him to leave. | @edeckers: Youre the one who gave that vacuum salesman my name last fall. I had to buy one just to get him to leave. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p196 | Tell them you will never be interested and they can save their time and energy by not calling. (Try to be gentle if you use this tactic.) | @edeckers: Youre the one who gave that vacuum salesman my name last fall. I had to buy one just to get him to leave. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p216 | We attracted your attention by promising a finite number of ways to attract attention, and three secrets that the real pros use. | We attracted your attention by promising five ways to attract attention, and three secrets that the real pros use. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p224 | It means you have to standnext to the keyboard to change the slides instead of using a remote which is wicked cool and makes you fell like a big shot. | It means you have to standnext to the keyboard to change the slides instead of using a remote, which is wicked cool and makes you fell like a big shot. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p228 | This feeling is nothing like that experienced from blogging. Dont get us wrong; blogging is great. Its how we make our living, and its going to be the future of publishing. But there is a permanence to printed words. | This feeling is nothing like that experienced from blogging. Dont get us wrong; blogging is great. But there is a permanence to printed words. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p229 | Being published will boost your personal brand immensely. It shows that not only do you have a command of the language and the ability to form cohesive ideas, you have mastery of your topic (or at least the ability to completely BS an editor into thinking you know what youre talking about). | Being published will show that not only do you have a command of the language and the ability to form cohesive ideas, you have mastery of your topic (or at least the ability to completely BS an editor into thinking you know what youre talking about). | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p230 | (Theyre also good networkers, which we discussed in Chapter 9, How to Network: Hello, My Name Is..., but we dont want to get into that right now.) | (Theyre also good networkers, which we discussed in Chapter 9, How to Network: Hello, My Name Is....) | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p230 | here are a few reasons you should consider becoming a published writer. It builds your personal brandNot only will more people learn who you are, but you will be seen as an expert on your published topic. You can share your knowledge, which helps you be seen as an expert in your fieldYour articles will be read by people in your industry or in a market you want to be known in. |
here are a few reasons you should consider becoming a published writer. You can share your knowledge, which helps you be seen as an expert in your fieldYour articles will be read by people in your industry or in a market you want to be known in. |
6/27/2011 |
2 | p231 | Believe it or not, there is an either/or thing going on with print writing. Its much harder to be a print writer because youre trying to meet others standards, trying to follow others editorial calendar, and trying to meet their readers wants and needs. Before we get started, we want to make sure you understand that getting published is competitive and difficult. A magazine typically publishes 12 times a year and accepts only a set number of articles from freelancers. A newspaper can publish anywhere from once a week to every day, and again, it has limited space. So although our advice may sound like write a story, submit it, collect $200, its really not that easy. Youre competing with other writers who also want to see their name in print. |
Before we get started, we want to make sure you understand that getting published is competitive and difficult. A magazine typically publishes 12 times a year and accepts only a set number of articles from freelancers. A newspaper can publish anywhere from once a week to every day, and again, it has limited space. So although our advice may sound like write a story, submit it, collect $200, its really not that easy. Youre competing with other writers who also want to see their name in print. Its much harder to be a print writer because youre trying to meet others standards, trying to follow others editorial calendar, and trying to meet their readers wants and needs. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p234 | From that, he was able to generate some sales and tradeshow recognition (Hey, werent you in that poultry magazine?) from them. | From that, he was able to generate some sales and trade show recognition (Hey, werent you in that poultry magazine?) from them. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p237 | The one problem associated with writing B2B articles is if youre a completely generous team player. Your company would get all the credit for your work, your expertise, and your knowledge while you get the byline. | The one problem associated with writing B2B articles is if youre a completely generous team player, your company would get all the credit for your work, your expertise, and your knowledge while you get the byline. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p246 | @edeckers: There, I worked in digital publishing. Are you happy? | @edeckers: There, I mentioned digital publishing. Are you happy? | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p254 | Figure 12.1 replaced | fixed | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p259 | Keep things like Facebook and ChatRoulette off your resume, unless you have a professional-looking like page for a design portfolio or similar sample page. |
Keep things like Facebook and ChatRoulette off your resume, unless you have a professional-looking business page for a design portfolio or similar sample page. |
6/27/2011 |
2 | p259 | The business page, or like page is where you promote your business, band, or cause. | The business page is where you promote your business, band, or cause. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p260 | In the meantime, here are a few dos and donts for you to consider. | In the meantime, here are a few dos and donts for you to consider. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p261 | None of it matters, because you accidentally missed the third s in antidisestablishmentarianism. | None of it matters, because you accidentally missed the third s in antidisestablishmentarianism. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p264 | One career coach reminded us that some HR departments spend 1020 seconds perusing each resume, so yours isnt going to get much of a look. She said this is even more true when a resume comes in from a job board, which can bring in 200 or 300 resumes for a single opening, and some of them arent even remotely qualified. | Remember, some HR departments spend 1020 seconds perusing each resume, so yours isnt going to get much of a look. This is even more true when a resume comes in from a job board, which can bring in 200 or 300 resumes for a single opening, and some of them arent even remotely qualified. | 6/27/2011 |
2 | p60 | this: You can find out more about direct mail response rates here. And here, here, and also here. The word here should be underlined. |
fixed | 6/28/2011 |
2 | p106 | Twitter may not lead to many job leads for Darrin but it will increase his network size and scope. | Twitter may not lead to many job leads for Darrin, but it will increase his network size and scope. | 6/28/2011 |
2 | p192 | 2nd line: we can use social media to promote it.... | we can use social media to promote it... | 6/28/2011 |