PrintNumber | ErrorLocation | Error | Correction | DateAdded |
1 | pii | Third Printing: January 2011 | Fourth Printing: June 2011 | 6/18/2010 |
1 | piv | About Marc Zuckerberg | About Mark Zuckerberg | 6/14/2011 |
1 | pix-xii | Pages adjusted to fit new Foreword. |
Foreword Here's how I met Justin Levy: I decided to drive to a Jeff Pulver event in Long Island. Justin mentioned that he was in Connecticut and that I could swing by and pick him up, if I wanted company for the ride. Or something like that. The event was great, but the conversations were better. Justin was passionate, had lots of ideas, and had some interesting experience in his background. By the time we'd left the event, I was pretty sure I wanted him to work for me at my new company, New Marketing Labs. This has a lot to do with how Facebook works. We tend to know a lot about people now before we meet them. We learn lots about who they spend their time with. We know what they talk about. We know what upsets them, what makes them happy, what keeps them going. We know when their birthday is, and all these kinds of things. Justin Levy is one of the vanguard of people who leads into every business experience with relationships as a top priority. He considers every one of his business associates and clients "friends" (with or without the air quotes). He slips between platforms like Facebook and Twitter and SMS messaging as easily as you might address two different people at the same dinner table. What Justin teaches in this book is that the tools are just a way to get closer. He gives you plenty of technical detail, but you'll miss out if you don't read behind the lines. This books fits with the new philosophy of human business: build from sustainable, relationship-minded business and you'll get much further in the world. Sure, you need to understand how the tools get you from point A to point B, but don't miss the journey. A few years later, I still don't regret giving Justin a ride to that conference. You won't regret picking up this book. --Chris Brogan... New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Social Media 101 and publisher at |
6/14/2011 |
1 | p2 | Want to communicate in short bursts of messages in real time. | Want to communicate in short bursts of messages in real-time? | 6/14/2011 |
1 | p5 | About Marc Zuckerberg | About Mark Zuckerberg | 6/14/2011 |
1 | p61 | If you choose to set one up for your employees, it is an easy way to communicate with your them. | If you choose to set one up for your employees, it is an easy way to communicate with them. | 6/14/2011 |
1 | p153 | There are no shortage of Pages | There is no shortage of Pages | 6/14/2011 |