PrintNumber | ErrorLocation | Error | Correction | DateAdded |
1 | pvi | printline updated | fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p11 | Multiple inheritance is an important feature of Objective-Cs approach to object-oriented programming. | Pseudo-multiple inheritance (via invocation forwarding) is an important feature of Objective-Cs approach to object-oriented programming. | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p14 | Listing 1-1 missing code continuation character | fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p17 | Listing 1-3 missing code continuation characters | fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p39 | CGRectMake() method() (origin.x, origin.y, size.width, size.height) Defines rectangles in your code. NSStringFromCGRect()converts() method() A CGRect structure to a formatted string. CGRectFromString()recovers() method() A rectangle from its string representation. CGRectInset() enables() method() You to create a smaller or larger a rectangle thats centered on the same point. Use a positive inset for smaller rectangles, negative for larger ones. CGRectIntersectsRect() lets() method() You know whether rectangle structures intersect. Use this function to know when two rectangular onscreen objects overlap. CGRectZero is() method() A rectangle constant located at (0,0) whose width and height are zero. You can use this constant when youre required to create a frame but youre still unsure what that frame size or location will be at the time of creatione. |
CGRectMake(origin.x, origin.y, size.width, size.height) defines rectangles in your code. NSStringFromCGRect(someCGRect)converts a CGRect structure to a formatted string. CGRectFromString(aString)recovers a rectangle from its string representation. CGRectInset(aRect) enables you to create a smaller or larger a rectangle thats centered on the same point. Use a positive inset for smaller rectangles, negative for larger ones. CGRectIntersectsRect(rect1, rect2) lets you know whether rectangle structures intersect. Use this function to know when two rectangular onscreen objects overlap. CGRectZero is a rectangle constant located at (0,0) whose width and height are zero. You can use this constant when youre required to create a frame but youre still unsure what that frame size or location will be at the time of creation. |
10/22/2008 |
1 | p39-40 | Use CGPointMake() method (x, y) to create points. Page rewrapped. |
Use CGPointMake (x, y) to create points. | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p85 | The application delegate object connects to the delegate, which is responsible for handling the applicationDidLaunch eventsapplicationDidFinishLaunching: callback and setting up the primary window and ordering it out for display. | The application delegate object connects to the delegate, which is responsible for handling the applicationDidFinish Launching: callback. This callback sets up the primary window and orders it out for display. | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p86 | This item will be used to represent instances of the classesan instance of the MyView class you defined in the code: MyView and MyViewController. | These two items represent instances of the classes you defined in the code: MyView and MyViewController. | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p89 | 15. Connect the view to its outlets. Open the My View window so that it can be seen. Control-drag between the My View object and the left text field. Select Infield from the pop-up. Then Control-drag from the view to the right text field and select Outfield. Again, youre assigning objects to instance variables. 16. Connect the button to the view. Right-tap Control-drag from the Convert button you added to the custom view to the My View object. A customization pop-up appears. Scroll down the pop-up to find TouchUpInside. Drag from the circle to its right to the MyView instance in the XIB project window. Select, select convert: from the pop-up. |
15. Connect the view to its outlets. Open the My View window so that it can be seen. Control-drag between the My View object and the left text field. Select infield from the pop-up. Then Control-drag from the view to the right text field and select outfield. Again, youre assigning objects to instance variables. 16. Connect the button to the view. Control-drag from the Convert button you added to the custom view to the My View object. A customization pop-up appears. Scroll down the pop-up to find Touch Up Inside. Drag from the circle to its right to the MyView instance in the XIB project window. Select convert: from the pop-up. |
10/22/2008 |
1 | p91 | options:NULL]; add code continuation character before it |
fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p92 | initWithRootViewController: [[HelloController alloc] init]]; add code continuation character before it |
fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p104 | brightness / 10.0f)) tag:NULL]; add code continuation character before it |
fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p108 | id outstring = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:formatstring arguments:arglist]; fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", [outstring UTF8String]); [outstring release]; va_end(arglist); break code and add code continuation characters before it and align |
fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p113 | Recipe 4-3, last line of code on page: cStringUsingEncoding:1]) |
cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]) | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p116 | clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex add code continuation character before it |
fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p122 | clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex add code continuation character before it |
fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p123 | @selector(incrementBar:) userInfo: nil repeats: YES] align text |
fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p123 | @selector(incrementBar:) userInfo: nil repeats: YES] align text |
fixed | 10/22/2008 |
1 | p144 | numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section add code continuation character before this. |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p155 | [self modCell:cell withTitle:@"Digital Media" url: @"" note: @"Developer Issues"]; |
[self modCell:cell withTitle:@"Addison Wesley" url: @"" note: @"Publisher Issues"]; |
10/23/2008 |
1 | p170 | Listing 6-1, 2nd and 3rd lines: add code continuation character | fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p172 | @"G", @"H", @"I", @"J", @"K", @"L", @"M", @"N", @"O", @"P", @"Q", @"R", @"S", @"T", @"U", @"V", @"W", @"X", @"Y", @"Z", nil] add code continuation characters before each line |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p181 | delete the 5th line: // initialize |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p181 | cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath add code continuation character before this line |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p185 | 3rd line down add a code continuation character before the line | fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p193 | 11-15 lines down need a code continuation character before each line | fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p198 | paths = move down a line and 3rd line of code add a code continuation character before the line | fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p199 | 2nd line of code on page add code continuation character before the line. 2nd line of Recipe 7-1 add code continuation character before the line. |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p201 | stringByAppendingString:@"myImage.png"]; add code continuation character before the line. |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p208 | <UIImagePickerControllerDelegate> add code continuation character before the line. |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p228 | dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:backupPath]; add code continuation character before the line. |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p234 | 220.0f, 233.0f)]; add code continuation character before the line and align. |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p235 | [button addTarget:self action:@selector(toggleButton:) ÂforControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; lines need indenting |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p260 | UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentCenter; add code continuation character and align. |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p265-266 | alignment and code breaks wrong | fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p270 | Lines 5 and 6 of code out of alignment | fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p276-277 | alignment and code breaks wrong | fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p335 | middle of page: // used to be cfLayer delete |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |
1 | p335 | [flippedView setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@", [titles objectAtIndex:index], [colorDict objectForKey:[titles objectAtIndex:index]]]]; alignment off |
fixed | 10/23/2008 |