PrintNumber | ErrorLocation | Error | Correction | DateAdded |
1 | pviii | First printing April 2009 | To be done once reprint is up. | 6/15/2009 |
1 | pxv | Reuse, Recycle, and Relax 82 | Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle 82 | 6/15/2009 |
1 | p68 | In short, almost everyone can collaborate on green IT, because almost everyone is a user of IT through PCs, the Internet, cell phones, and so forth. | As mentioned at the end of Chapter 3, almost everyone can collaborate on green IT, because almost everyone is a user of IT through PCs, the Internet, cell phones, and so forth. | 6/15/2009 |
1 | p75 | In Con Edison territory, data centers that can permanently reduce electric demand by at least 20 kilowatts can get help paying for their capital improvement costs with an incentive of $600 per kilowatt from New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). | As previously mentioned in Chapter 4, in Con Edison territory, data centers that can permanently reduce electric demand by at least 20 kilowatts can get help paying for their capital improvement costs with an incentive of $600 per kilowatt from New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). | 6/16/2009 |
1 | p82 | Reuse, Recycle, and Relax The three RsReuse, Recycle, and Relaxhave become the mantra for the environmentally conscious. |
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle The three RsReduce, Reuse, and Recyclehave become the mantra for the environmentally conscious. |
6/16/2009 |
1 | p149 | Before embarking on its server consolidation plan , PG&E teamed with IBM Research to develop a tool to measure the three-dimensional temperature distributions in its data centers. | As previously mentioned in Chapter 3, before embarking on its server consolidation plan, PG&E teamed with IBM Research to develop a tool to measure the three-dimensional temperature distributions in its data centers. | 6/16/2009 |
1 | p164 | The opportunity to rigorously measure recommended best practices and technological innovations in a real-world environment, validated by the scrutiny incorporated from the beginning, will be a significant benefit to both Columbia and, potentially, many other universities and organizations in their quest for green IT. |
The opportunity to rigorously measure recommended best practices and technological innovations in a real-world environment, validated by the scrutiny incorporated from the beginning, will be a significant benefit to both Columbia and, potentially, many other universities and organizations in their quest for green IT. New York States NYSERDA organization is providing funding support for Columbias green IT project. |
6/16/2009 |
1 | p205 | This chapter gives a summary of what we have discussed in the preceding twelve chapters and takes a look at the future of green IT. | This chapter gives a summary of what we have discussed in the preceding eleven chapters and takes a look at the future of green IT. | 6/16/2009 |
1 | p251 | And its not only the location of data networks. | And its not only the location of data centers. | 6/16/2009 |
1 | p276 | Note that the Wp/capita (Watts peak per capita) is far higher for Germany than for any other country. Table C.6 Worldwide Photovoltaic Peak Power Capacity (End of 2007) |
Note that the Wp/capita (Watts peak per capita) is far higher for Germany than for any other country. Peak power is given in MW. Table C.6 Worldwide Photovoltaic Peak Power Capacity (End of 2007) in MW |
6/16/2009 |
1 | p287 | Hydro is currently the only source of renewable energy making substantial contributions to global energy demand (refer to Figure C.1). | Hydro is currently the only source of renewable energy making substantial contributions to global energy demand (refer to Table C.1). | 6/16/2009 |
1 | p289 | Add entry. | ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) An engineering society that promotes the mechanical engineering profession. |
6/16/2009 |
1 | p294 | Add entry. | IEEE (Institute of Electical and Electronic Engineers) An international non-profit, professional organization for the advancement of technology related to electricity. |
6/16/2009 |
1 | p296-297 | Add entry and caused rewrap. | MW (Megawatt) One million watts of electical power. |
6/16/2009 |