Oracle PL/SQL Interactive Workbook, 2/e

Test Your Thinking Solutions Chapter 11 Exceptions: Advanced Concepts

  1. Create the following script. Modify the script created in this section in Chapter 10 (Question 1 of the Test Your Thinking section). Raise a user-defined exception with the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statement. Otherwise, display how many students there are in a section. Make sure your program is able to process all sections.

    Answer: Recall the script created in Chapter 10:
       CURSOR section_cur IS
          SELECT section_id
            FROM section;
       v_total NUMBER;
       e_too_many_students EXCEPTION;
       FOR section_rec in section_cur LOOP
             -- calculate number of students enrolled
             SELECT COUNT(*)
               INTO v_total
               FROM enrollment
              WHERE section_id = section_rec.section_id;
             IF v_total >= 15 THEN
                RAISE e_too_many_students;
                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('There are '||v_total||' students for '||
                   'section ID '||section_rec.section_id);
             END IF;
             WHEN e_too_many_students THEN
                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('There are too many students for '||
       END LOOP;

    Next, consider modified version of this script. All changes are shown in bold letters:

       CURSOR section_cur IS
          SELECT section_id
            FROM section;
       v_total NUMBER;
       FOR section_rec in section_cur LOOP
             -- calculate number of students enrolled
             SELECT COUNT(*)
               INTO v_total
               FROM enrollment
              WHERE section_id = section_rec.section_id;
             IF v_total >= 15 THEN
                RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000, 'A section cannot have 15 '||  
                  'or more students enrolled');
                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('There are '||v_total||' students for '||
                   'section ID '||section_rec.section_id);
             END IF;
       END LOOP;

    In this version of the script, you are using the RAISE_APPLICATON_ERROR statement to handle the following error condition: if the number of students enrolled for a particular section is equal to or greater than 15, the error is raised. It is important to remember that RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statement works with the unnamed user-defined exceptions. Therefore, notice there is no reference to the exception E_TOO_MANY_STUDENTS anywhere in this script. On the other hand, an error number has been associated with the error message.

    When run, this exercise produces the output shown below (due to the size of the output, only a part of it is shown):

    There are 0 students for section ID 79
    There are 1 students for section ID 80
    There are 3 students for section ID 81
    There are 2 students for section ID 82
    There are 2 students for section ID 83
    There are 2 students for section ID 84
    There are 5 students for section ID 85
    There are 6 students for section ID 86
    There are 7 students for section ID 87
    There are 5 students for section ID 88
    There are 12 students for section ID 89
    There are 5 students for section ID 155
    There are 8 students for section ID 156
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  2. Create the following script. Try to add a record to the INSTRUCTOR table without providing values for the columns MODIFIED_BY and MODIFIED_DATE. Define an exception and associate it with the Oracle error number, so that the error generated by the INSERT statement is handled. Answer: Consider the following script. Notice there are no exception handlers in this script:

       v_first_name INSTRUCTOR.FIRST_NAME%TYPE := '&sv_first_name';
       v_last_name INSTRUCTOR.LAST_NAME%TYPE := '&sv_last_name';
       INSERT INTO INSTRUCTOR (instructor_id, first_name, last_name)
       VALUES (INSTRUCTOR_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL, v_first_name, v_last_name);

    Notice, in this version of the script you are trying to add a new record to the INSTRUCTOR table. The INSERT statement has only three columns INSTRUCTOR_ID, FIRST_NAME, and LAST_NAME. The value for the column INSTRUCTOR_ID is determined from the sequence INSTRUCTOR_ID_SEQ, and the values for the columns FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME are provided by the user.

    When run, this script produces the following error message:

    Enter value for sv_first_name: John
    old   2:       '&sv_first_name';
    new   2:       'John';
    Enter value for sv_last_name: Smith
    old   3:       '&sv_last_name';
    new   3:       'Smith';
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("STUDENT"."INSTRUCTOR"."CREATED_BY")
    ORA-06512: at line 5

    The error message generated above states that a NULL value cannot be inserted in to the column CREATED_BY of the INSTRUCTOR table. Therefore, you need to add an exception handler to the script as shown below. All changes are shown in bold letters:

       v_first_name INSTRUCTOR.FIRST_NAME%TYPE := '&sv_first_name';
       v_last_name INSTRUCTOR.LAST_NAME%TYPE := '&sv_last_name';
       e_non_null_value EXCEPTION;
       PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_non_null_value, -1400);
       INSERT INTO INSTRUCTOR (instructor_id, first_name, last_name)
       VALUES (INSTRUCTOR_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL, v_first_name, v_last_name);
       WHEN e_non_null_value THEN
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('A NULL value cannot be inserted. '||
              'Check constraints on the INSTRUCTOR table.');

    In this version of the script, you declare a new exception called E_NON_NULL_VALUE. Next, you associate an Oracle error number with this exception. As a result, you are able to add an exception-handling section to trap the error generated by Oracle.

    When run, the new version produces the output shown below:

    Enter value for sv_first_name: John
    old   2:       '&sv_first_name';
    new   2:       'John';
    Enter value for sv_last_name: Smith
    old   3:       '&sv_last_name';
    new   3:       'Smith';
    A NULL value cannot be inserted. Check constraints on the INSTRUCTOR table.
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  3. Modify the script created in the previous exercise. Instead of declaring a user-defined exception, add the OTHERS exception handler to the exception-handling section of the block. Then display the error number and the error message on the screen.

    Answer: Your script should look similar to the following. All changes are shown in bold letters:

       v_first_name INSTRUCTOR.FIRST_NAME%TYPE := '&sv_first_name';
       v_last_name INSTRUCTOR.LAST_NAME%TYPE := '&sv_last_name';
       INSERT INTO INSTRUCTOR (instructor_id, first_name, last_name)
       VALUES (INSTRUCTOR_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL, v_first_name, v_last_name);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Error code: '||SQLCODE);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Error message: '||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200));

    Notice, as long as OTHERS exception handler is used there is no need associate an Oracle error number with user-defined exception. When run, this exercise produces the output shown below:

    Enter value for sv_first_name: John
    old   2:       '&sv_first_name';
    new   2:       'John';
    Enter value for sv_last_name: Smith
    old   3:       '&sv_last_name';
    new   3:       'Smith';
    Error code: -1400
    Error message: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into         
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Select a Chapter for Test Your Thinking Solutions

  1. Programming Concepts
  2. PLSQL Concepts
  3. General Programming Language Fundamentals
  4. SQL in PLSQL
  5. Conditional Control: IF Statements
  6. Conditional Control: CASE Statements
  7. Error Handling and Built-In Exceptions
  8. Iterative Control
  9. Introduction to Cursors
  10. Exceptions
  11. Exceptions: Advanced Concepts
  12. Procedures
  13. Functions
  14. Packages
  15. Advanced Cursors
  16. Stored Code
  17. Triggers
  18. Collections
  19. Records